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BMP-3 and BMP-6 structures illuminate the nature of binding specificity with receptors


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Bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) are extracellular messenger ligands involved in controlling a wide array of developmental and intercellular signaling processes. To initiate their specific intracellular signaling pathways, the ligands recognize and bind two structurally related serine/threonine kinase receptors, termed type I and type. 11, on the cell surface. Here, we present the crystal structures of BMP-3 and BMP-6, of which BMP-3 has remained poorly understood with respect to its receptor identity, affinity, and specificity. Using surface plasmon resonance (BIAcore) we show that BMP-3 binds Activin Receptor type 11 (ActRII) with K-d approximate to zz 1.8 M-mu but ActRIIb with 30-fold higher affinity at K-d approximate to 53 nM. This low affinity for ActRII may involve Ser-28 and Asp-33 of BMP-3, which are found only in BMP-3's type 11 receptor-binding interfaces. Point mutations of either residue to alanine results in up to 20-fold higher affinity to either receptor. We further demonstrate by Smad-based whole cell luciferase assays that the increased affinity of BMP-3(S28A) to ActRII enables the ligand's signaling ability to a level comparable to that of BMP-6. Focusing on BMP-3's preference for ActRIIb, we find that Lys-76 of ActRII and the structurally equivalent Glu-76 of ActRIIb are distinct between the two receptors. We demonstrate that ActRllb(E76K) and ActRII bind BMP-3 with similar affinity, indicating BMP-3 receptor specificity is controlled by the interaction of Lys-30 of BMP-3 with Glu-76 of ActRIIb. These studies illustrate how a single amino acid can regulate the specificity of ligand-receptor binding and potentially alter biological signaling and function in vivo.
机译:骨形态发生蛋白(BMP)是细胞外信使配体,参与控制广泛的发育和细胞间信号传导过程。为了启动其特定的细胞内信号传导途径,配体识别并结合两个结构相关的丝氨酸/苏氨酸激酶受体,分别称为I型和I型。 11,在细胞表面。在这里,我们介绍了BMP-3和BMP-6的晶体结构,其中BMP-3的受体同一性,亲和力和特异性仍知之甚少。使用表面等离振子共振(BIAcore),我们显示BMP-3以约zz 1.8 M-mu的K-d结合11型激活素受体(ActRII),但以约53 nM的K-d亲和力高30倍的ActRIIb结合。对ActRII的这种低亲和力可能涉及BMP-3的Ser-28和Asp-33,它们仅在BMP-3的11型受体结合界面中发现。任一残基向丙氨酸的点突变导致对任一受体的亲和力最高提高20倍。我们进一步证明基于基于Smad的全细胞荧光素酶测定表明,BMP-3(S28A)对ActRII的亲和力增强,可使配体的信号传导能力达到与BMP-6相当的水平。着眼于BMP-3对ActRIIb的偏爱,我们发现ActRII的Lys-76和ActRIIb的结构上等同的Glu-76在这两种受体之间是不同的。我们证明ActRllb(E76K)和ActRII以相似的亲和力结合BMP-3,表明BMP-3受体的特异性受BMP-3的Lys-30与ActRIIb的Glu-76的相互作用控制。这些研究说明了单个氨基酸如何调节配体-受体结合的特异性,并可能改变体内的生物信号和功能。



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