首页> 外文期刊>エネルギ-·資源 >Feasibility study on heavy metals recovery from fly ash of ash melting furnace by utilizing existing production facilities as social resources

Feasibility study on heavy metals recovery from fly ash of ash melting furnace by utilizing existing production facilities as social resources


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Since fly ash generated in ash melting furnace involves valuable nonferrous materials, especially zinc and lead, the materials should be extracted and reused for production from viewpoint of resource recovery. Zinc and lead in the ash can be recovered in a smelting furnace named ICP, which is a large scale furnace to smelt ore. Ash with high chlorine concentration needs pre-treatment to remove chlorine and the salt by thermal operation or rinsing. Hence, it is important to minimize recovery energy and CO{sub}2 emission in the processes and material transportation. In this study, it is considered that the melting furnace fly ash and/or the pre-treated matter are transported over a long distance in Japan by tracks and/or ships and an existing nonferrous metal smelting facility and a pretreatment facility are utilized as much as possible. From the evaluation of possible paths to recover the zinc and lead from the melting furnace fly ash it was found the path of transporting fly ash to the existing pre-treatment facility by ship and treating it together with a large amount of other ash lowers energy consumption and CO{sub}2 emission.
机译:由于在灰炉中产生的粉煤灰涉及有价值的有色金属,尤其是锌和铅,因此从资源回收的角度出发,应将这些材料提取并重新用于生产。灰分中的锌和铅可以在名为ICP的冶炼炉中回收,这是一种大型冶炼矿石的炉子。高氯浓度的灰分需要进行预处理,以通过热操作或冲洗去除氯和盐。因此,重要的是使过程和材料运输中的回收能量和CO {sub} 2排放最小化。在本研究中,认为在日本通过轨道和/或船舶将熔化炉的飞灰和/或预处理后的物质长距离运输,并且充分利用了现有的有色金属冶炼设施和预处理设施。尽可能。通过评估从熔化炉粉煤灰中回收锌和铅的可能途径,我们发现了将粉煤灰通过船运到现有预处理设备并将其与大量其他粉尘一起处理的途径,从而降低了能耗和CO {sub} 2的排放量。



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