首页> 外文期刊>電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. 医用画像. Medical Imaging >Electronic Cleansing for CT Colongraphy Using Stool Tagging Method Based on Boundary Accuracy Classification

Electronic Cleansing for CT Colongraphy Using Stool Tagging Method Based on Boundary Accuracy Classification


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Computed tomography (CT) eolonography has gained widespread multi-disciplinary interest as an evolving non-invasive colorectal evaluation screening examination, with the potential of improved patient compliance. However the disposal that makes inside the colon empty as a pretreatment preparation make patient feel very uncomfortable. CT eolonography using stool tagging method known as the second major method of examination wherein bowel cleansing is needed. In order to present good electronic bowel cleansing the boundary classification must be accurate. The purpose of our study is to solved the partial volume effect that may occur in the electronic bowel cleansing based on the boundary accuracy classification by consider the four difficult condition of 3-D area as a key point in our study; (a) air, oral contrast material and colon wall are interfaced, (b) the thin colon wall is interfaced between the air and oral contrast material, (c) little oral contrast material is attached to colon wall and (d) little amount of stool has surfaced on the oral contrast material. Then we will display the cleansing result using volume rendering technique for the virtual colonoscopy display. We evaluate our method using 5 set data case on supine position scanning. Evaluation is based on four difficult condition of 3D. We get good result classification for condition (a) and condition (c), average of 91.7% condition (a) and average of 87.1% for condition (c) for 5 set data cases.
机译:计算机断层扫描(CT)层析成像作为一种不断发展的非侵入性结肠直肠评估筛查检查,已经引起了广泛的学科兴趣,具有改善患者依从性的潜力。但是,作为预处理制剂使结肠内部变空的处理使患者感到非常不舒服。使用粪便标记法的CT眼线描记法是第二种主要检查方法,其中需要进行肠清洁。为了呈现良好的电子肠清洁,边界分类必须准确。本研究的目的是通过将3-D区域的四个困难条件作为研究重点,解决基于边界精度分类的电子肠清洗中可能出现的部分体积效应; (a)空气,口腔造影剂和结肠壁相接,(b)薄结肠壁在空气和口腔造影剂之间相接,(c)很少有口腔造影剂附着在结肠壁上,以及(d)少量的粪便已在口腔造影剂上浮出水面。然后,我们将使用体积渲染技术为虚拟结肠镜检查显示器显示清洁结果。我们在仰卧位扫描中使用5组数据案例评估我们的方法。评估基于3D的四个困难条件。对于5组数据案例,我们对条件(a)和条件(c)进行了良好的结果分类,条件(a)的平均值为91.7%,条件(c)的平均值为87.1%。



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