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Is the shortened dental arch an underused treatment strategy in the Republic of Ireland?


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Objectives: To determine the proportion of Republic of Ireland 35-44 and 65+ year-olds currently satisfying the criteria for a classic shortened dental arch (SDA) of 20 anterior teeth. Research Design: Secondary analysis of data collected in the 2000/02 epidemiological survey of the oral health of Irish adults. Clinical setting: Participants underwent a clinical oral examination in health board dental clinics and completed a detailed interview pertaining to dental and general health. Participants: The analysis is based on a random sample of adults, aged 35 to 44 years (n=978), and 65 years and older (n=714). Main outcome measures: The SDA was measured as 20 teeth in the mouth in the positions normally described as from the left second premolar to the right second premolar in each arch. Results: Only one of the 35-44 year-olds and none of the 65+ year-olds had teeth in their mouths in positions normally described as a classic SDA. However, of the 35-44 year old age group only five patients who had at least a premolar dentition of 20 contiguous teeth had been provided with a removable denture compared to one patient from the 65+ years group. Conclusions: Very few older patients in the Republic of Ireland have a SDA based on the measure used. However, very few have been provided with removable dentures where they already possess at least a premolar dentition of 20 contiguous teeth. Suggested reasons for this may include limitations of the data recorded, patient preferences and economic factors.
机译:目的:确定目前符合20个前牙经典短牙弓(SDA)标准的爱尔兰共和国35-44岁和65岁以上年龄段的比例。研究设计:对爱尔兰成年人口腔健康的2000/02年流行病学调查收集的数据进行二次分析。临床背景:参与者在卫生局的牙科诊所进行了临床口腔检查,并完成了有关牙齿和一般健康的详细访谈。参与者:该分析基于年龄在35至44岁(n = 978),65岁及以上(n = 714)的成年人的随机样本。主要结局指标:在每个牙弓从左第二前磨牙到右第二前磨牙的正常位置测量SDA为口中20颗牙齿。结果:35-44岁的人群中只有一名,而65岁以上的人群中没有一个在嘴巴上有牙齿,这些位置通常被称为经典SDA。但是,在35-44岁年龄组中,与65岁以上年龄组的一名患者相比,只有五名至少具有20颗连续牙齿的前磨牙的患者提供了可摘义齿。结论:根据所使用的方法,爱尔兰共和国很少有老年患者具有SDA。但是,很少有带有可移动义齿的义齿,它们已经具有至少20个连续牙齿的前磨牙。建议的原因可能包括记录数据的限制,患者的喜好和经济因素。



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