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Additive homeopathy in cancer patients: Retrospective survival data from a homeopathic outpatient unit at the Medical University of Vienna


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Background: Current literature suggests a positive influence of additive classical homeopathy on global health and well-being in cancer patients. Besides encouraging case reports, there is little if any research on long-term survival of patients who obtain homeopathic care during cancer treatment. Design: Data from cancer patients who had undergone homeopathic treatment complementary to conventional anti-cancer treatment at the Outpatient Unit for Homeopathy in Malignant Diseases, Medical University Vienna, Department of Medicine I, Vienna, Austria, were collected, described and a retrospective subgroup-analysis with regard to survival time was performed. Patient inclusion criteria were at least three homeopathic consultations, fatal prognosis of disease, quantitative and qualitative description of patient characteristics, and survival time. Results: In four years, a total of 538 patients were recorded to have visited the Outpatient Unit Homeopathy in Malignant Diseases, Medical University Vienna, Department of Medicine I, Vienna, Austria. 62.8% of them were women, and nearly 20% had breast cancer. From the 53.7% (n= 287) who had undergone at least three homeopathic consultations within four years, 18.7% (n= 54) fulfilled inclusion criteria for survival analysis. The surveyed neoplasms were glioblastoma, lung, cholangiocellular and pancreatic carcinomas, metastasized sarcoma, and renal cell carcinoma. Median overall survival was compared to expert expectations of survival outcomes by specific cancer type and was prolonged across observed cancer entities (p< 0.001). Conclusion: Extended survival time in this sample of cancer patients with fatal prognosis but additive homeopathic treatment is interesting. However, findings are based on a small sample, and with only limited data available about patient and treatment characteristics. The relationship between homeopathic treatment and survival time requires prospective investigation in larger samples possibly using matched-pair control analysis or randomized trials.
机译:背景:目前的文献表明加成性经典顺势疗法对癌症患者的整体健康和福祉具有积极影响。除了令人鼓舞的病例报告外,在癌症治疗期间获得顺势疗法治疗的患者的长期存活率的研究甚少。设计:收集,描述了在维也纳医科大学第一医学系维也纳医科大学恶性疾病顺势疗法门诊单元接受过顺势疗法与常规抗癌治疗相辅相成的癌症患者的数据,并进行了回顾性分组-对存活时间进行分析。患者入选标准为至少三次顺势疗法咨询,疾病的致命预后,患者特征的定量和定性描述以及生存时间。结果:四年来,总共538例患者被记录为拜访了维也纳医科大学第一医学部(维也纳)的恶性疾病门诊顺势疗法。其中62.8%是女性,近20%患有乳腺癌。在四年内至少进行了三次顺势疗法咨询的53.7%(n = 287)中,有18.7%(n = 54)符合生存分析的纳入标准。调查的肿瘤是胶质母细胞瘤,肺癌,胆管细胞癌和胰腺癌,转移性肉瘤和肾细胞癌。将中位总生存期与特定癌症类型的专家预期生存结果进行比较,并在观察到的癌症实体之间延长了生存期(p <0.001)。结论:在具有致命预后但附加顺势疗法的癌症患者中延长生存时间很有趣。但是,发现仅基于少量样本,并且仅有关于患者和治疗特征的有限数据。顺势疗法治疗与生存时间之间的关系需要对较大的样本进行前瞻性研究,可能使用配对对照分析或随机试验。



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