首页> 外文期刊>Физиология и биохимия культурных растений: Науч.- теорет. журн. >Changes in composition of pigment-protein complexes of maize subchloroplast fragments induced by phosphorylation of membrane proteins

Changes in composition of pigment-protein complexes of maize subchloroplast fragments induced by phosphorylation of membrane proteins


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Pigment-protein composition of mesophyll chloroplasts in maize inbred lines L 346 and F 7 and their fragments, enriched by photosystem 1 have been studied. Its changes under condition of phosphorylation of membrane proteins have been also investigated. The differences in the ratio of certain pigment-protein complexes in chloroplasts and subchloroplast particles between the lines have been found. It is concluded that phosphorylation causes the migration of PS 2 complex and tightly bound with it light-harvesting complex of PS 2 (LHC II) pool in to the fractions 70 000 g but in the fractions 100 00 g the migration of only the mobile LHC II pool is observed. The lightly bound with PS 2 the LHC II pool is found to be more enriched by monomeric form in comparison with the mobile LHC II pool.
机译:研究了玉米自交系L 346和F 7的叶肉叶绿体色素蛋白组成及其片段,并经光系统1富集。还已经研究了其在膜蛋白磷酸化条件下的变化。已经发现这些品系之间的叶绿体和亚叶绿体颗粒中某些色素-蛋白质复合物的比例存在差异。结论是磷酸化导致PS 2配合物迁移并与其紧密结合,PS 2(LHC II)库的光捕获配合物进入馏分70 000 g,但在分数100 00 g中仅迁移移动LHC观察到II池。与移动LHC II池相比,与PS 2轻结合的LHC II池发现单体形式更富集。



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