首页> 外文期刊>Физиология и биохимия культурных растений: Науч.- теорет. журн. >Influence of retardants on the content of abscisic acid and gibberellins in the hibernating raspberry buds at different stages of rest

Influence of retardants on the content of abscisic acid and gibberellins in the hibernating raspberry buds at different stages of rest


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Different stages of content of abscisic acid, ABA and gibberellin and also changes in correlation of their free and bound forms correspond to temporary shifts of rest of raspberry plants treated by retardants. The increase of the share of bound ABA in the total content of this phytohormone in the plant corresponds to the early entry in rest of the plants treated by retardants. In the period of deep rest in the buds of raspberry plants treated by retardants the action of free as well as of bound gibberellin was lower than that of controlled ones. Transformation of hibernating plants from the condition of deep rest to the forced one was accompanied by the increase of the activity of free gibberellins only in those variants, where the plants were treated by retardants.



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