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Grape cultivars for steppe zone of the Southern Urals.


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The climate in the southern Urals is characterized by cold winters, late spring frosts and dry hot summers. These conditions limit grape cultivation to early and medium-early cultivars. New grape cultivars adapted to the local climatic conditions Aleshen'kin dar and Pamyat' Dombkovskoi (Zarya Severa x Kishmish unikal'nyi) are described. Aleshen'kin dar is an early ripening table grape cultivar, with a growth period of 115 days, average productivity of 5-6 kg per vine, grape sugar content of 19-21%, and frost resistance up to -27 degrees C. Pamyat' Dombkovskoi is a seedless early ripening cultivar for table and processing, with a growth period of 110-115 days, average productivity of 10-12 kg per vine, grape sugar content of 19-21%, and frost resistance up to -28 degrees C.
机译:乌拉尔南部的气候特征是寒冷的冬季,晚春的霜冻和炎热的夏季。这些条件将葡萄的种植限制在早期和中早期品种。描述了适应当地气候条件的新葡萄品种Aleshen'kin dar和Pamyat'Dombkovskoi(Zarya Severa x Kishmish unikal'nyi)。 Aleshen'kin dar是一种早熟的鲜食葡萄品种,生长期为115天,每株葡萄平均产量为5-6 kg,葡萄糖含量为19-21%,抗霜冻性高达-27摄氏度。Pamyat 'Dombkovskoi是用于餐桌和加工的无籽早熟品种,生长期为110-115天,每株葡萄平均生产力为10-12 kg,葡萄糖含量为19-21%,抗霜冻性可达-28度C。



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