首页> 外文期刊>Computational mathematics and mathematical physics >Combination of numerical and structured approaches to the construction of a second-order incomplete triangular factorization in parallel preconditioning methods

Combination of numerical and structured approaches to the construction of a second-order incomplete triangular factorization in parallel preconditioning methods


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Parallel versions of the stabilized second-order incomplete triangular factorization conjugate gradient method in which the reordering of the coefficient matrix corresponding to the ordering based on splitting into subdomains with separators are considered. The incomplete triangular factorization is organized using the truncation of fill-in "by value" at internal nodes of subdomains, and "by value" and 'by positions" on the separators. This approach is generalized for the case of constructing a parallel version of preconditioning the second-order incomplete LU factorization for nonsymmetric diagonally dominant matrices with. The reliability and convergence rate of the proposed parallel methods is analyzed. The proposed algorithms are implemented using MPI, results of solving benchmark problems with matrices from the collection of the University of Florida are presented.



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