首页> 外文期刊>Computer Graphics Forum: Journal of the European Association for Computer Graphics >Partitioning and Handling Massive Models for Interactive Collision Detection

Partitioning and Handling Massive Models for Interactive Collision Detection


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We describe an approach for interactive collision detection and proximity computations on massive models composed of millions of geometric primitives. We address issues related to interactive data access and processing in a large geometric database, which may not fit into main memory of typical desktop workstations or computers. We present a new algorithm using overlap graphs for localizing the "regions of interest" within a massive model, thereby reducing runtime memory requirements. The overlap graph is computed off-line, pre-processed using graph partitioning algorithms, and modified on the fly as needed. At run time, we traverse localized sub-graphs to check the corresponding geometry for proximity and pre-fetch geometry and auxiliary data structures. To perform interactive proximity queries, we use bounding-volume hierarchies and take advantage of spatial and temporal coherence. Based on the proposed algorithms, we have developed a system called IMMPACT and used it for interaction with a CAD model of a power plant consisting of over 15 million triangles. We are able to perform a number of proximity queries in real-time on such a model. In terms of model complexity and application to large models, we have improved the performance of interactive collision detection and proximity computation algorithms by an order of magnitude.



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