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A framework of collaborative design environment for injection molding


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This paper describes the framework of a network-oriented design environment, enabled by eXtensible Markup Language (XML) and CORBA [2], capable of providing collaboration and validity evaluation in injection mold design problems. XML and CORBA [2] are appropriate resources for the construction of such a framework because they have vast potential to improve software interoperability and facilitate data exchange across applications and people from various disciplines and vendors. An overview of the framework is provided and an application to the design phase of injection molding is illustrated. This example illustrates how design validities are notified and new design directions provided to the designer during the design process.
机译:本文描述了可扩展标记语言(XML)和CORBA [2]支持的面向网络的设计环境的框架,该框架能够在注塑模具设计问题中提供协作和有效性评估。 XML和CORBA [2]是构建此类框架的合适资源,因为它们具有巨大的潜力,可以提高软件的互操作性,并促进跨应用程序以及来自各个领域和供应商的人员之间的数据交换。提供了框架的概述,并说明了在注塑成型设计阶段的应用。此示例说明了在设计过程中如何通知设计有效性以及如何向设计者提供新的设计指导。



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