首页> 外文期刊>電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. デ-タ工学. Data Engineering >A semantic description language of stream data and its applications for personal TV

A semantic description language of stream data and its applications for personal TV


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Recent progress in broadband Internet and personal TV technologies makes it easier to acquire, store and retrieve stream contents. This leads to the increase of the demand for new usage methods of stream contents such as the personalization of stream contents. Because of the lack of the appropriate metadata for stream contents such as keyword indices and author's intention about the way of his/her contents reuse, it is still difficult to retrieve or summarize stream contents, or integrate the stream content with others. In this paper, we propose a markup language to describe the metadata (semantics) of stream content, and author's intention about the way of his/her contents reuse. The proposed language is able to not only describe keywords or related contents, but also control contents or metadata itself. Also, in this paper, we will describe some new applications of this language to Personal TVs.



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