首页> 外文期刊>Comptes rendus. Mathematique >A viscous fluid in a thin domain satisfying the slip condition on a slightly rough boundary [Fluide visqueux dans un domaine de faible épaisseur vérifiant la condition de glissement sur une frontière lègèrement rugueuse]

A viscous fluid in a thin domain satisfying the slip condition on a slightly rough boundary [Fluide visqueux dans un domaine de faible épaisseur vérifiant la condition de glissement sur une frontière lègèrement rugueuse]


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We consider a viscous fluid of small height ε on a periodic rough bottom Γ_Ε of period rΕand amplitude δ_ε, δ_ε?r_ε?ε, where we impose the slip boundary condition. When ε tends to zero we obtain a Reynolds system depending on the limit λ of (δ_εε)/(r_εr_ε). If λ=+∞, the fluid behaves as if we would impose the adherence condition on Γ_Ε This justifies why this is the usual boundary condition for viscous fluids. If λ=0 the fluid behaves as if ΓΕ was plane. Finally, for λε(0,+∞) it behaves as if Γ_Εwas flat but with a higher friction coefficient.
机译:我们考虑在周期为rE的周期性粗糙底部Γ_Ε上振幅为δ_ε,δ_ε?r_ε?εε的高度高度为ε的粘性流体,并在其中施加滑动边界条件。当ε趋于零时,我们根据(δ_εε)/(r_εr_ε)的极限λ获得雷诺系统。如果λ= +∞,则流体的行为就像我们将附着条件施加在Γ_E上。这证明了为什么这是粘性流体的通常边界条件。如果λ= 0,则流体的行为就像ΓE是平面。最后,对于λε(0,+∞),其行为就像Γ_E是平坦的,但具有较高的摩擦系数。



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