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Strong Economics Behind Natural Gas Vehicle Growth: New CNG refueling stations boost demand for compressors


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Interest in natural gas-fueled vehicles (NGVs) is being buoyed by an abundance of low-cost natural gas. NGVs run on compressed natural gas (CNG) or gasified liquid natural gas (LNG) instead of gasoline or diesel fuel. NGVAmerica estimates that there are more than 15.2 million NGVs in use worldwide, but only about 120,000 in the U.S. A lack of fueling stations, which use high-pressure reciprocating compressors, has been one of the barriers to domestic NGV growth. Of the nation's 150,000 gasoline stations, 42% (63,000) offer diesel but only about 7% (1100) have NGV fueling lanes. Therefore, vehicles that return to base daily or that travel regularly to strategically located stations are currently the best NGV candidates.
机译:大量的低成本天然气引起了人们对天然气汽车的兴趣。 NGV使用压缩天然气(CNG)或气化液态天然气(LNG)代替汽油或柴油燃料。 NGVAmerica估计,全球使用的NGV超过1,520万辆,但在美国只有120,000辆。缺乏使用高压往复式压缩机的加油站一直是国内NGV增长的障碍之一。在全国150,000个加油站中,有42%(63,000)提供柴油,但只有7%(1100)提供NGV加油道。因此,每天返回基地或定期行驶到战略位置的车辆是当前NGV的最佳选择。



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