
PlanetCAD's in Search of an On-Line RP Partner


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In a sign of the dot-com times, PlanetCAD is reviewing several partnership I options for its Bits2Parts.com Web service announced last April. The site, in beta testing, is said to streamline the quotation, communication, and data flow between manufacturers and rapid prototyping (RP) service providers. The site provides private, on-line work areas for manufacturers to manage the Request for Quotation (RFQ) process, submit RFQs to RP service bureaus, and upload 3D CAD models for rapid transmission. Selected service bureaus, in turn, receive e-mail notification of new RFQs, access them and the CAD models via the Web site, and then respond. As we go to press, Bill Bates, PlanetCAD director of Business Development, explains, "We are in negotiations right now with several companies, exploring options for how best to partner to advance the technology as quickly as possible for customers with RP needs. The issue of how PlanetCAD continues to market Bits2parts.com will depend, in part, upon negotiaions currently in progress."
机译:为了说明网络时代的到来,PlanetCAD正在审查其于去年4月宣布的Bits2Parts.com Web服务的几种合作伙伴关系I选项。据称,该站点正在Beta测试中,以简化制造商与快速原型(RP)服务提供商之间的报价,沟通和数据流。该站点为制造商提供了私有的在线工作区,以管理报价请求(RFQ)流程,向RP服务局提交RFQ并上传3D CAD模型以进行快速传输。选定的服务局依次接收新RFQ的电子邮件通知,通过网站访问它们和CAD模型,然后做出响应。在我们付印之时,PlanetCAD业务开发总监Bill Bates解释说:“我们目前正在与多家公司进行谈判,探讨如何与最佳伙伴合作以尽快为有RP需求的客户尽快开发该技术。 PlanetCAD如何继续销售Bits2parts.com的问题将部分取决于当前正在进行的谈判。”



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