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Corrosion behaviors and mechanism of sintered rare-earth magnets


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: Sintered rare-earth magnets possessing outstanding magnetic properties are widely applied in many fields. However, corrosion resistance has been a problem with the magnets owing to the high chemical activity of the phases rich in rare earth elements. The Nd-rich phases of the Nd-Fe-B magnets can react with water vapor and oxygen in a damp and humid atmosphere. The electro-chemical corrosion occurs for Nd-Fe-B magnets in a high humidity atmosphere because of the difference of corrosion potential between the matrix Nd_2Fe14B phase and the boundary Nd-rich phase. In this article, Corrosion resistance of sintered Nd-Fe-B and Sm-Co magnets was investigated in steady-state damp heat (HH), neutral salt spray (NSS) and pressure cooker (PCT) climates. The effects of alloy composition and different corrosive environments on magnetic flux loss were discussed. It shows that the corrosion rates of sintered Nd-Fe-B magnets in HH and NSS climates exhibit a obvious parabolic trend, flux loss in the above three kinds of climates have a approximate linear trend. The corrosion resistance of sintered Nd-Fe-B magnets can be improved by Dy partially substitution for Nd and minor Co addition. The sintered Sm-Co magnets show very good corrosion resistance in the above three kinds of climates.
机译::具有出色磁性能的烧结稀土磁体被广泛应用于许多领域。然而,由于富含稀土元素的相的高化学活性,磁体的耐腐蚀性一直是一个问题。 Nd-Fe-B磁体的富Nd相可以在潮湿的潮湿环境中与水蒸气和氧气发生反应。 Nd-Fe-B磁体在高湿度气氛中会发生电化学腐蚀,这是因为基体Nd_2Fe14B相与富Nd边界相之间的腐蚀电位不同。在本文中,研究了在稳态湿热(HH),中性盐雾(NSS)和高压锅(PCT)气候下烧结Nd-Fe-B和Sm-Co磁体的耐腐蚀性。讨论了合金组成和腐蚀环境对磁通量损失的影响。结果表明,HH和NSS气候下Nd-Fe-B烧结磁体的腐蚀速率呈现出明显的抛物线趋势,以上三种气候下的磁通量损耗均呈近似线性趋势。 Nd-Fe-B烧结磁体的耐蚀性可以通过Dy部分替代Nd和少量添加Co来提高。在上述三种气候下,烧结的Sm-Co磁体都具有很好的耐腐蚀性。



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