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Global warming: science,money and self-preservation


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The origin of the International Photochemical and Storage of Solar Energy (IPS) conferences can be traced to the oil crisis during the 1970s that emerged out of politically-driven shortage of supply.The next crisis will most likely emerge out of excess of supply.The solutions that were contemplated in the 1970s are still very relevant.We will focus here on human contributions to changes in the atmospheric chemical composition that will most likely have a major impact on the global climate.The key issue addressed is the prediction of the possibility that the system will self-adjust to achieve sustainable development and thus immunize us from the consequences of wrong decisions.We conclude with a presentation of a computer model that greatly accelerates the cause-effect choices that we make and incorporates renewable energy supply as an important part of the solution.
机译:国际光化学与太阳能存储(IPS)会议的起源可以追溯到1970年代的石油危机,该危机是由政治驱动的供应短缺引起的,下一次危机很可能是由供应过剩引起的。 1970年代设想的解决方案仍然非常相关。在此,我们将重点关注人类对大气化学成分变化的贡献,这很可能会对全球气候产生重大影响。该系统将进行自我调整以实现可持续发展,从而使我们免受错误决策的影响。最后,我们介绍了一种计算机模型,该模型极大地加快了我们做出因果选择的速度,并将可再生能源供应作为重要组成部分解决方案。



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