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A semi-parametric generalization of the Cox proportional hazards regression model: Inference and applications


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The assumption of proportional hazards (PH) fundamental to the Cox PH model sometimes may not hold in practice. In this paper, we propose a generalization of the Cox PH model in terms of the cumulative hazard function taking a form similar to the Cox PH model, with the extension that the baseline cumulative hazard function is raised to a power function. Our model allows for interaction between covariates and the baseline hazard and it also includes, for the two sample problem, the case of two Weibull distributions and two extreme value distributions differing in both scale and shape parameters. The partial likelihood approach can not be applied here to estimate the model parameters. We use the full likelihood approach via a cubic B-spline approximation for the baseline hazard to estimate the model parameters. A semi-automatic procedure for knot selection based on Akaike's information criterion is developed. We illustrate the applicability of our approach using real-life data.
机译:对于Cox PH模型至关重要的比例风险(PH)的假设有时在实践中可能不成立。在本文中,我们建议采用与Cox PH模型类似的形式,根据累积危害函数对Cox PH模型进行一般化,并扩展为将基准累积危害函数提升为幂函数。我们的模型允许协变量与基线风险之间进行交互,并且对于两个样本问题,还包括两个威布尔分布和两个比例和形状参数均不同的极值分布的情况。偏似然法不能在这里用来估计模型参数。我们通过三次B样条近似对基线危害使用完全似然法来估计模型参数。提出了一种基于赤池信息准则的半自动结选择方法。我们使用实际数据说明了我们方法的适用性。



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