首页> 外文期刊>海洋と生物 >海洋環境放射能と生物影響



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The occurrence of 2011 Tohoku district off the Pacific Ocean Earthquake had a tremendous impact not only on Japan but also all over the world. In this paper summarizes an origin of radioactivity in marine environment and long-term fluctuation of ~(137)Cs concentration in seawater, bottom sediment and marine organism samples. The ~(137)Cs concentration in seawater, bottom sediment and marine organisms decreased year by year from 1983 to 2009 after prompt rise caused by the Chernobyl nuclear accident in 1986. The most recent results suggested that the ~(137)Cs concentration would not be more than 3mBq/L, 8 Bq/kg-dry and 0.24 Bq/kg-wet, respectively for seawater, bottom sediment and marine organism samples. Concentration factors for biological materials summarized in terms of the quantities of an element or radionuclide in marine organisms. The present report also summarizes knowledge so far attained on the assessment of doses and radiation impact on marine organisms, especially for sand lance (Ammodytes personatus) inhabiting in the coastal sea area off Fukushima nuclear power stations after the accident in 2011.
机译:2011年太平洋地震后东北地区的发生不仅对日本而且对全世界都产生了巨大影响。本文总结了海洋环境中放射性的起源以及海水,底部沉积物和海洋生物样品中〜(137)Cs浓度的长期波动。在1986年切尔诺贝利核事故引起的迅速上升之后,从1983年到2009年,海水,底部沉积物和海洋生物中的〜(137)Cs浓度逐年下降。最新结果表明,〜(137)Cs浓度不会对于海水,底部沉积物和海洋生物样品,分别大于3mBq / L,干8 Bq / kg干和0.24 Bq / kg湿。根据海洋生物中元素或放射性核素的数量总结了生物材料的浓度因子。本报告还总结了迄今在评估剂量和辐射对海洋生物的影响方面所获得的知识,特别是对2011年事故后福岛核电站附近沿海海域栖息的沙矛(Ammodytes personatus)的认识。



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