首页> 外文期刊>Climatic Change >Interacting effects of vegetation, soils and management on the sensitivity of Australian savanna rangelands to climate change

Interacting effects of vegetation, soils and management on the sensitivity of Australian savanna rangelands to climate change


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There is an increasing need to understand what makes vegetation at some locations more sensitive to climate change than others. For savanna rangelands, this requires building knowledge of how forage production in different land types will respond to climate change, and identifying how location-specific land type characteristics, climate and land management control the magnitude and direction of its responses to change. Here, a simulation analysis is used to explore how forage production in 14 land types of the north-eastern Australian rangelands responds to three climate change scenarios of +3A degrees C, +17% rainfall; +2A degrees C, -7% rainfall; and +3A degrees C, -46% rainfall. Our results demonstrate that the controls on forage production responses are complex, with functional characteristics of land types interacting to determine the magnitude and direction of change. Forage production may increase by up to 60% or decrease by up to 90% in response to the extreme scenarios of change. The magnitude of these responses is dependent on whether forage production is water or nitrogen (N) limited, and how climate changes influence these limiting conditions. Forage production responds most to changes in temperature and moisture availability in land types that are water-limited, and shows the least amount of change when growth is restricted by N availability. The fertilisation effects of doubled atmospheric CO2 were found to offset declines in forage production under 2A degrees C warming and a 7% reduction in rainfall. However, rising tree densities and declining land condition are shown to reduce potential opportunities from increases in forage production and raise the sensitivity of pastures to climate-induced water stress. Knowledge of these interactions can be applied in engaging with stakeholders to identify adaptation options.
机译:人们越来越需要了解是什么使某些地方的植被比其他地方更容易受到气候变化的影响。对于稀树草原牧场地,这需要建立有关不同土地类型的牧草生产将如何应对气候变化的知识,并确定特定地点的土地类型特征,气候和土地管理如何控制其对变化的反应的幅度和方向。在这里,使用模拟分析来探索澳大利亚东北牧场的14种土地类型中的草料生产如何响应+ 3A摄氏度,+ 17%降雨的三种气候变化情景; + 2A摄氏度,-7%降雨; + 3A摄氏度,-46%降雨。我们的结果表明,对草料生产响应的控制是复杂的,土地类型的功能特征相互作用以确定变化的幅度和方向。应对极端变化的情况,牧草产量可能最多增加60%或最多减少90%。这些响应的幅度取决于饲料生产受水或氮(N)限制,以及气候变化如何影响这些限制条件。牧草生产对受水限制的土地类型中温度和水分供应的变化反应最大,而当生长受到氮供应的限制时,变化最小。人们发现,大气CO2浓度增加一倍的施肥效应可以抵消2A摄氏度变暖和降雨减少7%导致的牧草产量下降。然而,树木密度的提高和土地条件的降低显示出减少了牧草产量增加的潜在机会,并提高了牧场对气候引起的水分胁迫的敏感性。这些交互作用的知识可用于与利益相关者互动以识别适应方案。



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