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Early renal denervation prevents development of hypertension in growth-restricted offspring.


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1. Low birth weight is associated with an increased risk for the development of hypertension. Our laboratory uses a model of reduced uterine perfusion in the pregnant rat that results in intrauterine growth-restricted (IUGR) offspring that develop hypertension at a prepubertal age. Although hypertension develops in both prepubertal male and female IUGR offspring, only male IUGR offspring remain hypertensive after puberty. We reported previously that bilateral renal denervation abolishes hypertension in adult male IUGR offspring, indicating an important role for the renal nerves in the maintenance of established IUGR-induced hypertension. We also reported that angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibition abolishes hypertension in adult male IUGR offspring. However, activation of the renin-angiotensin system does not occur in male IUGR offspring until after puberty, or after the development of established IUGR-induced hypertension. Therefore, the mechanisms involved in the development of IUGR-induced hypertension may differ from those involved in the maintenance of established IUGR-induced hypertension. Thus, the purpose of the present study was to determine whether the renal nerves play a causative role in the early development of IUGR-induced hypertension in prepubertal IUGR offspring. 2. Intrauterine growth-restricted and control offspring were subjected to either bilateral renal denervation or sham denervation, respectively, at 4 weeks of age. Mean arterial pressure (MAP) was determined at 6 weeks of age in conscious, chronically instrumented animals. Adequacy of renal denervation was verified by renal noradrenaline content. 3. Whereas renal denervation had no effect on MAP in control offspring (103 +/- 2 vs 102 +/- 3 mmHg for sham vs denervated, respectively), it reduced blood pressure in growth-restricted offspring (114 +/- 3 vs 104 +/- 1 mmHg for sham vs denervated, respectively; P < 0.01). Renal noradrenaline content was significantly reduced in denervated animals relative to sham operated rats. 4. Thus, the data indicate a role for the renal nerves in the aetiology of IUGR-induced hypertension and suggest that the renal nerves may participate in the early development of hypertension in IUGR offspring in addition to established hypertension observed in adult male IUGR offspring.
机译:1.低出生体重与患高血压的风险增加有关。我们的实验室使用的模型可以减少怀孕大鼠子宫的灌注,从而导致子宫内生长受限(IUGR)的后代在青春期前发展为高血压。尽管在青春期前的男性和女性IUGR后代中都会出现高血压,但只有男性IUGR后代在青春期后仍保持高血压。我们以前曾报道过,成年男性IUGR后代的双侧肾神经支配消除了高血压,这表明肾神经在维持已建立的IUGR诱导的高血压中具有重要作用。我们还报道了成年男性IUGR后代的血管紧张素转换酶抑制作用消除了高血压。但是,直到青春期后或已确定的IUGR诱发的高血压发生,才在雄性IUGR子代中发生肾素-血管紧张素系统的激活。因此,IUGR诱发的高血压发展所涉及的机制可能与维持已建立的IUGR诱发的高血压所涉及的机制不同。因此,本研究的目的是确定肾神经在青春期前IUGR后代的IUGR诱发的高血压的早期发展中是否起因作用。 2.在4周龄时,宫内生长受限和对照的后代分别接受双侧肾神经支配或假神经支配。在6周龄时,对有意识的,长期使用器械的动物测定平均动脉压(MAP)。肾去甲肾上腺素含量证实了肾去神经的充分性。 3.肾神经支配对对照后代的MAP没有影响(假手术与神经支配后代分别为103 +/- 2 vs 102 +/- 3 mmHg),但它降低了生长受限的后代的血压(114 +/- 3 vs假手术组与神经支配组分别为104 +/- 1 mmHg; P <0.01)。相对于假手术大鼠,去神经支配动物的肾脏去甲肾上腺素含量明显降低。 4.因此,这些数据表明肾神经在IUGR诱发的高血压病因中起着作用,并表明除了在成年雄性IUGR后代中观察到的确定的高血压之外,肾神经还可能参与IUGR后代高血压的早期发展。



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