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Regulation of oxidative stress in long-lived lipopolysaccharide-activated microglia


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Previously, we reported that an optimal dose of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) markedly extends the life span of mouse primary-cultured microglia by suppressing apoptotic and autophagic cell death pathways. The aim of the present study was to assess how these cells protect themselves against reactive oxygen species (ROS) generated by LPS treatment. The study was conducted in microglia obtained from murine neonate brain, which are destined to die within a few days under ordinary culture conditions. The generation of ROS was maximal after 15 h LPS treatment (1 ng/mL LPS and 100 ng/mL LPS). The expression of inducible nitric oxide (NO) synthase protein was significantly increased by Day 1 of LPS treatment and was followed by the production of NO. The expression of either Cu/Zn- or Mn-superoxide dismutase protein (SOD) was also increased by 16 h and Day 1 of LPS treatment. LPS did not affect the expression of Cu/Zn- and Mn-SOD proteins, nor did it extend the life span of microglia that had mutated Toll-like receptor (TLR) 4. The findings of the present study suggest that SODs function as a potent barrier to overcome ROS generated in primary-cultured microglia following LPS treatment and that TLR4 may be significantly involved in inducing these proteins. The microglia may be able to protect themselves against oxidative stress, allowing them to live for more than 1 month. Because long-lived microglia may play a critical role in the exacerbation of neurodegeneration, bringing activated microglia back to their resting stage could be a new and promising strategy to inhibit the deterioration underlying neurodegenerative disorders.
机译:以前,我们报道了最佳剂量的脂多糖(LPS)通过抑制凋亡和自噬细胞死亡途径,显着延长了小鼠原代培养的小胶质细胞的寿命。本研究的目的是评估这些细胞如何保护自己免受LPS处理产生的活性氧(ROS)的侵害。该研究是在鼠新生脑中获得的小胶质细胞中进行的,小胶质细胞注定要在普通培养条件下几天内死亡。 LPS处理15小时(1 ng / mL LPS和100 ng / mL LPS)后,ROS的产生最大。 LPS处理的第1天,诱导型一氧化氮(NO)合酶蛋白的表达显着增加,随后产生NO。 LPS处理的第16天和第1天,铜/锌或锰超氧化物歧化酶蛋白(SOD)的表达也增加了。 LPS不会影响Cu / Zn-和Mn-SOD蛋白的表达,也不会延长Toll样受体(TLR)4突变的小胶质细胞的寿命。克服LPS处理后原代培养的小胶质细胞中产生的ROS的有效屏障,并且TLR4可能显着参与诱导这些蛋白质。小胶质细胞可能能够保护自己免受氧化应激,使其存活超过1个月。由于长寿命的小胶质细胞可能在神经退行性恶化中起关键作用,因此,将活化的小胶质细胞恢复到其静止状态可能是抑制潜在的神经退行性疾病恶化的新方法。



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