首页> 外文期刊>Clinical and experimental pharmacology & physiology >5-HT(1A) receptors in stress-induced cardiac changes: a possible link between mental and cardiac disorders.

5-HT(1A) receptors in stress-induced cardiac changes: a possible link between mental and cardiac disorders.


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1. Mental disorders associated with chronic stressors are established risk factors for cardiac morbidity and mortality, but there is no satisfactory explanation of the mechanistic link between mental and cardiac disorders. 2. The present article presents the hypothesis suggesting that abnormal functioning of serotonin 5-HT(1A) receptors in the lower brain stem may represent this missing link. Currently available data suggest that there may be a global downregulation of 5-HT(1A) receptors in depressive and panic patients. 3. Recent animal results indicate that 5-HT(1A) receptors, located in the medullary raphe, possibly on the raphe-spinal presympathetic cardiomotor neurons, reduce stress-elicited activation of these neurons. 4. Decreased density/function of 5-H(1A) receptors in the raphe area (possibly occurring during chronic stress/depression) may lead to increased sympathetic outflow to the heart and, consequently, to the increase in noradrenalin release from the cardiac sympathetic nerve terminals.
机译:1.与慢性应激源相关的精神障碍已被确定为心脏病发病率和死亡率的危险因素,但尚无令人满意的解释说明精神障碍与心脏病之间的机制联系。 2.本文提出了这一假设,表明下脑干中5-羟色胺5-HT(1A)受体的功能异常可能代表了这一缺失环节。目前可获得的数据表明,抑郁症和恐慌症患者中5-HT(1A)受体可能会下调。 3.最近的动物实验结果表明,位于髓沟中的5-HT(1A)受体,可能位于沟脊髓节前交感神经运动神经元上,可减少应激引起的这些神经元的活化。 4.缝区中5-H(1A)受体的密度/功能降低(可能在慢性应激/抑郁期间发生)可能导致交感神经向心脏的流出增加,因此导致从心脏交感神经释放的去甲肾上腺素增加神经末梢。



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