
Clinical trials and tribulations.


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1. Pharmacologists should be involved in all stages of drug development. Often neglected is the final step, the clinical trials and other studies that determine clinical utility. The present article illustrates how pharmacoepidemiology can facilitate evaluation of the clinical potential of different drugs used to treat hypertension. 2. The evidence base for the drug treatment of hypertension is very strong. Large-scale outcome trials, largely based on diuretics, indicate that stroke events are prevented to the extent expected from blood pressure reduction, but there appears to be a shortfall in the prevention of coronary heart disease events. 3. On theoretical grounds, newer agents may be expected to have benefits in coronary heart disease prevention beyond blood pressure reduction. Recent trials with angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and calcium channel blockers suggest no advantage over conventional drugs, but shortcomings in these studies mean that each is uninformative. 4. Observational studies based on pharmacoepidemiological principles offer an alternative approach to evaluating outcomes in treated hypertensives. 5. Evidence from the Glasgow Blood Pressure Clinic database suggest that there are outcome differences between antihypertensive agents. Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor treatment is associated with a mortality advantage, whereas calcium channel blocker therapy is associated with a poorer prognosis. Preliminary findings from a primary care database support these observations. 6. Long-term follow up of a well-documented high-risk clinical population may allow detection of outcome differences not apparent in relatively short-term clinical trials. 7. Appropriate interpretation of observational data necessitates an understanding of the strengths and limitations of observational data. Clinical pharmacologists have a critical role in design and evaluation of pharmacoepidemiology studies.
机译:1.药理学家应参与药物开发的所有阶段。通常忽略的是最后一步,确定临床效用的临床试验和其他研究。本文阐述了药物流行病学如何促进评估用于治疗高血压的不同药物的临床潜力。 2.高血压药物治疗的证据基础很强。大规模的,主要基于利尿剂的结果试验表明,卒中事件的预防程度可望因降血压而达到,但预防冠心病的机会似乎不足。 3.从理论上讲,新药有望在降低血压方面对预防冠心病有所帮助。最近使用血管紧张素转换酶抑制剂和钙通道阻滞剂进行的试验表明,与常规药物相比没有优势,但是这些研究中的缺点意味着每种药物都没有信息。 4.基于药物流行病学原理的观察性研究提供了另一种方法来评估已治疗的高血压的预后。 5.格拉斯哥血压诊所数据库的证据表明,降压药之间的疗效存在差异。血管紧张素转换酶抑制剂治疗具有死亡率优势,而钙通道阻滞剂治疗则预后较差。来自初级保健数据库的初步发现支持了这些观察结果。 6.对有据可查的高风险临床人群进行长期随访可能可以检测出在相对短期的临床试验中不明显的结果差异。 7.对观测数据的适当解释需要了解观测数据的优势和局限性。临床药理学家在药物流行病学研究的设计和评估中起着至关重要的作用。



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