首页> 外文期刊>Clinical and experimental obstetrics and gynecology >Neonatal mortality rate and risk factors in northeast China: Analysis of 5,277 neonates in 2005

Neonatal mortality rate and risk factors in northeast China: Analysis of 5,277 neonates in 2005


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Background: Healthcare has dramatically improved for both mothers and neonates over the last three decades in China. However, the reported rates of morbidity and mortality vary among different regions of China, and the exact rates in Northeast China are unknown. This study aimed to determine neonatal morbidity and mortality rates and the associated risk factors in Northeast China. Materials and Meth- ods: Neonates born in 2005 at seven hospitals in five major cities of Heilongjiang province in Northeast China were recruited. Standard- ized questionnaires on both the mother and neonate were conducted by trained investigators. The questions included demographic data on the mother, the mother's weight, gestational age (GA), complications during pregnancy, method of delivery, neonate's gender, weight, general health situation, and complications after delivery. Results: A total of 5,277 neonates were included, with a male to female ratio of 1.07. The incidence of preterm delivery was 8.7%, which was associated with an increased age of the mother, a history of preeclampsia-eclampsia, premature rupture of membranes, and intrauterine distress. Morbidity occurred in 7.0% of neonates, including hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy (2.4%), asphyxia (1.6%), pneumonia (1.6%), hyperbilirubinemia (0.5%), intracranial hemorrhage (0.5%), meconium as- piration syndrome (02%), and ingestion syndrome (0.2%). The overall mortality was 9.5%o. Preterm delivery, maternal history of preeclamp- sia-eclampsia, hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy, intracranial hemorrhage, pneumonia, asphyxia, and meconium aspiration syndrome were independent risk factors for mortality with odds ratios (95% confidence interval) of 17.42 (7.31-38.9), 12.52 (Table 3) (3.91-16.82), 10.13 (2.52-19.86), 9.77 (2.35-19.93), 4.15 (1.78-9.52), 2.18 (1.21-5.47), and 2.76 (2.11-6.32), respectively (all P< 0.01). Conclusions: In 2005, the overall morbidity and mortality was 7.0% and 9.5%o, the overall morbidity ana mortality was /.U% and y.0%0, respectively in northeast China, ana preterm delivery was the highest risk factor for neonatal mortality The prevention on preterm delivery should be a top priority for the improvement of neonatal healthcare.
机译:背景:在过去的三十年中,母亲和新生儿的医疗保健水平已大大改善。但是,报告的发病率和死亡率在中国不同地区之间有所不同,在中国东北地区的确切发病率尚不清楚。本研究旨在确定中国东北地区的新生儿发病率和死亡率以及相关的危险因素。材料和方法:招募了2005年出生于中国东北黑龙江省五个主要城市的7家医院的新生儿。由训练有素的调查员对母亲和新生儿进行标准化的问卷调查。这些问题包括有关母亲的人口统计学数据,母亲的体重,胎龄(GA),怀孕期间的并发症,分娩方法,新生儿的性别,体重,总体健康状况以及分娩后的并发症。结果:共纳入5277例新生儿,男女之比为1.07。早产的发生率为8.7%,这与母亲的年龄增加,先兆子痫-子痫史,胎膜早破和宫内窘迫有关。 7.0%的新生儿发生发病,包括缺氧缺血性脑病(2.4%),窒息(1.6%),肺炎(1.6%),高胆红素血症(0.5%),颅内出血(0.5%),胎粪呼吸综合征(02%) )和食入症(0.2%)。总死亡率为9.5%。早产,先兆子痫-子痫的母亲史,缺氧缺血性脑病,颅内出血,肺炎,窒息和胎粪吸入综合征是死亡率的独立危险因素,其优势比(95%置信区间)为17.42(7.31-38.9), (分别为12.52(表3)(3.91-16.82),10.13(2.52-19.86),9.77(2.35-19.93),4.15(1.78-9.52),2.18(1.21-5.47)和2.76(2.11-6.32)(全部P <0.01)。结论:2005年东北地区的总发病率和死亡率分别为7.0%和9.5%o,总发病率和死亡率分别为/.U%和y.0%0,早产是新生儿的最高危险因素死亡率预防早产应该是改善新生儿保健的重中之重。



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