首页> 外文期刊>Biology of Reproduction: Offical Journal of the Society for the Study of Reproduction >Circadian regulation of gonadotropin-releasing hormone neurons and the preovulatory surge in luteinizing hormone in the diurnal rodent, Arvicanthis niloticus, and in a nocturnal rodent, Rattus norvegicus

Circadian regulation of gonadotropin-releasing hormone neurons and the preovulatory surge in luteinizing hormone in the diurnal rodent, Arvicanthis niloticus, and in a nocturnal rodent, Rattus norvegicus

机译:昼夜啮齿动物Arvicanthis niloticus和夜间啮齿动物Rattus norvegicus促性腺激素释放激素神经元的昼夜调节和促黄体生成激素的排卵前激增

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Daily rhythms in the timing of the preovulatory surge and the display of reproductive behavior are reversed in diurnal and nocturnal rodents, but little is known about the neural mechanisms underlying these differences. We examined this issue by comparing a diurnal murid rodent, Arvicanthis niloticus (the grass rat), to a nocturnal one, Rattus norvegicus (the lab rat). In the first study, we established that sequential estradiol and progesterone treatment induces a proestrous-like rise in LH secretion and in the percentage of GnRH neurons that express Fos in grass rats, as is the case in lab rats. Next, we tested the hypothesis that differences in the timing of estrus-related events in diurnal and nocturnal species are caused by differences in rhythms in responsiveness to steroid hormones. We found rhythms in GnRH neuron activity, as indicated by Fos, that were 12 hours out of phase in grass rats and lab rats. These patterns persisted in both species when animals were housed in constant darkness for 5 days, suggesting that they are driven by an endogenous circadian mechanism. These results indicate that steroid-primed grass rats and lab rats are similar with respect to the temporal relationship among estrus-related events, but that the timing of these events relative to the light-dark cycle is dramatically different and that this difference is caused by endogenous circadian mechanisms. [References: 43]
机译:在昼夜和夜间啮齿动物中,排卵前激增和生殖行为表现的每日节律是相反的,但对这些差异背后的神经机制知之甚少。我们通过比较日间鼠类啮齿动物Arvicanthis niloticus(草鼠)和夜间的鼠类Rattus norvegicus(实验鼠)来研究此问题。在第一个研究中,我们确定,连续雌二醇和孕酮治疗可引起草大鼠的LH分泌和表达Fos的GnRH神经元的百分比出现类似发情的上升,就像在实验室大鼠中一样。接下来,我们检验了以下假设:昼夜活动物种中与发情相关的事件发生时间的差异是由对类固醇激素的反应节奏不同引起的。如Fos所示,我们发现草鼠和实验鼠的GnRH神经元活动节律相差12小时。当将动物在恒定的黑暗中饲养5天时,这两种模式在两个物种中均持续存在,表明它们是由内源性昼夜节律机制驱动的。这些结果表明,在发情相关事件之间的时间关系上,类固醇引发的草大鼠和实验大鼠相似,但是这些事件相对于明暗循环的时间差异很大,并且这种差异是由内源性昼夜节律机制。 [参考:43]



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