首页> 外文期刊>Clinical and experimental ophthalmology >Lack of effect of gender on retinopathy in the mouse.

Lack of effect of gender on retinopathy in the mouse.


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BACKGROUND: The reported effect of gender on retinopathy of prematurity has been controversial. The goal of this study was to determine the effect of gender on oxygen-induced retinopathy in a mouse model. METHODS: Oxygen-induced retinopathy was produced in C57BL6 mice by exposure to 75% oxygen from postnatal day (P) 7 for 5 days. Animals were returned to room air on P12 and killed on P17-21. Gender was determined by inspection. Retinopathy was evaluated by a retinopathy scoring system and by quantifcation of extraretinal neovascular nuclei on retinal sections. RESULTS: Both males and females developed similar degrees of retinopathy. Males had a median total retinopathy score of 9 (25th, 75th quartile: 8, 11) and females had score of 9 (25th, 75th quartile: 7, 10). Retinal subscores of blood vessel growth, blood vessel tufts, extraretinal neovascularzation, haemorrhage and blood vessel tortuosity were similar in both groups. Males and females had a similar number of neovascular nuclei on retinal sections. CONCLUSIONS: Gender does not alter the development of oxygen-induced retinopathy in the C57BL6 mouse.



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