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Murine gammaherpesvirus 68: a model for the study of Epstein-Barr virus infections and related diseases


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Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is a ubiquitous human gammaherpesvirus (GHV) that causes acute infection and establishes life-long latency. EBV is associated with the development of B-cell lymphoproliferative disorders, several malignant cancers, the syndrome of infectious mononucleosis, and chronic interstitial lung disease. Although the molecular biology of EBV has been characterized extensively, the associated disease conditions and their pathogenesis are difficult to study in human populations because of variation in human environments and genetics, the well-documented effect of stressors on pathogenesis, and the chronic and latent properties of the virus. GHV are highly species-specific, and suitable animal models for EBV are not available. However, in 1980, a murine gammaherpesvirus (MuGHV, also known as MHV68 and gammaHV68) was identified as a natural pathogen of bank voles and wood mice. Experimental MuGHV infections in laboratory mice share many features of EBV infections in humans, including facets of the clinical human syndrome known as infectious mononucleosis. These features make MuGHV a valuable experimental model for studying the pathophysiology of a GHV in a natural host.
机译:爱泼斯坦-巴尔病毒(EBV)是一种普遍存在的人类伽马疱疹病毒(GHV),可引起急性感染并建立终生潜伏期。 EBV与B细胞淋巴组织增生性疾病,几种恶性肿瘤,传染性单核细胞增多症和慢性间质性肺疾病的发展有关。尽管EBV的分子生物学已被广泛表征,但由于人类环境和遗传学的变化,应激源对致病机理的充分记载的影响以及慢性和潜伏性,有关人群的相关疾病状况及其发病机理仍难以在人群中进行研究。病毒的。 GHV具有高度的物种特异性,尚无适合EBV的动物模型。然而,1980年,鼠γ疱疹病毒(MuGHV,也称为MHV68和γHV68)被鉴定为河岸田鼠和木鼠的天然病原体。实验小鼠的实验性MuGHV感染具有人类EBV感染的许多特征,包括临床人类综合症的各个方面,即传染性单核细胞增多症。这些特征使MuGHV成为研究天然宿主中GHV的病理生理学的有价值的实验模型。



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