首页> 外文期刊>Comparative Medicine >Characterization of Ovarian Aging and Reproductive Senescence in Vervet Monkeys (Chlorocebus aethiops sabaeus)

Characterization of Ovarian Aging and Reproductive Senescence in Vervet Monkeys (Chlorocebus aethiops sabaeus)

机译:黑长尾猴(Chlorocebus aethiops sabaeus)卵巢衰老和生殖衰老的特征

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Female vervet monkeys (Chlorocebus aethiops sabaeus) are used as an experimental model for chronic diseases relevant to women's health. However, reproductive senescence (menopause) has not yet been characterized for vervet monkeys. Here we describe the histologic, hormonal, and menstrual markers of reproductive senescence in vervet monkeys from the Wake Forest Vervet Research Colony. Ovaries from monkeys (age, 0 to 27 y) were serially sectioned (5 mu m), stained, and photographed. In every 100th section, the numbers of primordial, primary, and secondary follicles were determined, and triplicate measurements were used to calculate mean numbers of follicles per ovary. Antimiillerian hormone (AMH), follicle stimulating hormone, and menstrual cycle length were measured in additional monkeys. Primordial follicles and AMH decreased significantly with age, and significant correlations between numbers of primordial and primary follicles and between numbers of primary and secondary follicles were noted. Histologic evaluation revealed that ovaries from 4 aged monkeys (older than 23 y) were senescent. One aged monkey transitioned to menopause, experiencing cycle irregularity over 4 y, eventual cessation of menses, and plasma AMH below the level of detection. Finally, with increasing age, the percentage of female vervets with offspring declined significantly. The present study provides insight into ovarian aging and reproductive senescence in vervet monkeys. Results highlight the importance of considering this nonhuman primate as a model to investigate the relationships between ovarian aging and chronic disease risk.
机译:雌性黑长尾猴(Chlorocebus aethiops sabaeus)被用作与妇女健康有关的慢性疾病的实验模型。但是,尚未对黑长尾猴进行生殖衰老(更年期)的研究。在这里,我们描述了威克森林黑尾病研究殖民地黑尾猴中生殖衰老的组织学,激素和月经标记。将猴子(0至27岁)的卵巢连续切片(5微米),染色并拍照。在第100个部分中,确定原始,初级和次级卵泡的数量,并使用三次重复测量来计算每个卵巢的卵泡平均数量。在另外的猴子中测量了抗米勒激素(AMH),促卵泡激素和月经周期长度。原始卵泡和AMH随着年龄的增长而显着下降,并且注意到原始卵泡和初级卵泡数目之间以及原始卵泡和次级卵泡数目之间存在显着相关性。组织学评估显示,来自4只年龄较大的猴子(大于23岁)的卵巢已衰老。一只衰老的猴子过渡到更年期,经历了超过4年的周期不规则,最终停止了月经,血浆AMH低于检测水平。最终,随着年龄的增长,有后代的女性天鹅绒的百分比显着下降。本研究提供了对黑猩猩卵巢衰老和生殖衰老的见解。结果凸显了将这种非人类灵长类动物作为模型研究卵巢衰老与慢性疾病风险之间关系的重要性。



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