首页> 外文期刊>Comparative Medicine >Phenotypic analysis of C57BL/6J and FVB/NJ mice generated using evaporatively dried spermatozoa

Phenotypic analysis of C57BL/6J and FVB/NJ mice generated using evaporatively dried spermatozoa

机译:用蒸发干燥的精子产生的C57BL / 6J和FVB / NJ小鼠的表型分析

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Combination of evaporative drying and frozen storage at -80 degrees C has been used successfully to preserve hybrid B6D2F1 mouse spermatozoa. To determine whether this method can be applied equally well to inbred mice, spermatozoa of C57BL/6J and FVB/ NJ mice were evaporatively dried and stored for 1 mo at -80 degrees C before being used for intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) to produce live offspring. After weaning, 1 male and 1 female mouse from each litter were randomly selected at 8 wk of age for natural mating to produce live offspring. Results showed that spermatozoa from both inbred strains that had been evaporatively dried and subsequently stored at -80 degrees C could be used successfully to derive live, healthy, and reproductively sound offspring by ICSI. No significant differences were found in embryo transfer rate (number of pups bornumber of embryos transferred), litter size, weaning rate, body weight, number of pathologic lesions, and amount of contamination by pathogens of mice produced by ICSI using evaporatively dried spermatozoa compared with mice produced by natural mating or by ICSI using fresh (that is, nonpreserved) spermatozoa. Progeny produced by mating mice generated from ICSI using evaporatively dried spermatozoa were normal. Therefore, spermatozoa from inbred mouse strains C57BL/6J and FVB/NJ can be preserved successfully after evaporative drying and frozen storage at -80 degrees C.
机译:蒸发干燥和冷冻保存于-80摄氏度的组合已成功用于保存杂种B6D2F1小鼠精子。为了确定该方法是否同样适用于近交小鼠,将C57BL / 6J和FVB / NJ小鼠的精子蒸发干燥后在-80摄氏度下保存1 mo,然后再用于胞浆内精子注射(ICSI)产生活后代。断奶后,从每个窝中随机选择8周龄的雄性和雌性小鼠,进行自然交配以产生活后代。结果表明,通过蒸发干燥并随后在-80摄氏度下保存的两个自交系的精子可以被ICSI成功用于衍生活,健康和生殖健康的后代。在使用蒸发干燥的精子的ICSI产生的小鼠的胚胎移植率(出生的幼崽数/已移植的胚胎数),产仔数,断奶率,体重,病理病变数和病原体污染量方面没有发现明显差异。与通过自然交配或使用新鲜(即未保存)精子的ICSI产生的小鼠相比。使用蒸发干燥的精子交配由ICSI产生的小鼠产生的后代是正常的。因此,蒸发干燥并在-80摄氏度冷冻保存后,可以成功保存来自自交系小鼠品系C57BL / 6J和FVB / NJ的精子。



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