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Lacrimal gland myoepithelioma in a rhesus macaque (Macaca mulatta)


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An 18-year-old rhesus macaque (Macaca mulatta) developed ptosis of the left upper eyelid due to a mass that had first been observed 10 years previously. The 11 x 7 x 7-mm mass was surgically excised, and the ptosis resolved after 5 days. Histologic examination of the mass revealed two confluent cell populations. Most cells were spindle-shaped and were arranged in loose fascicles. Smaller numbers of cells had squamous differentiation. The spindle-shaped cells expressed smooth muscle actin. Cells with squamous differentiation did not express smooth muscle actin, but did, along with around half of the spindle-shaped cells, express pan-cytokeratin. On the basis of histologic and immunohistochemical findings, the mass was diagnosed as myoepithelioma. The neoplasm most likely originated from the palpebral lobe of the lacrimal gland, although accessory lacrimal gland origin could not be excluded. Recurrence of the neoplasm has not been observed 6 months after surgery.
机译:一名18岁的恒河猴(Macaca mulatta)由于在10年前首次观察到这种肿块而导致左上眼睑下垂。手术切除11 x 7 x 7毫米的肿块,并在5天后上睑下垂。肿块的组织学检查显示两个汇合的细胞群。大多数细胞呈纺锤形,并排列在松散的束中。少数细胞具有鳞状细胞分化。纺锤形细胞表达平滑肌肌动蛋白。具有鳞状分化的细胞不表达平滑肌肌动蛋白,但是与大约一半的纺锤形细胞一起表达泛细胞角蛋白。根据组织学和免疫组织化学结果,该肿块被诊断为肌上皮瘤。肿瘤很可能起源于泪腺的睑裂,尽管不能排除副泪腺的起源。术后6个月未观察到肿瘤复发。



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