首页> 外文期刊>Comparative Medicine >Spontaneous Intraocular Hemorrhage in Rats during Postnatal Ocular Development

Spontaneous Intraocular Hemorrhage in Rats during Postnatal Ocular Development


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To study spontaneous intraocular hemorrhage in rats during postnatal ocular development and to elucidate the underlying mechanism, postnatal ocular development in the albino Wistar Hannover (WH) and Sprague Dawley (SpD) and pigmented Long Evans (LE) strains was analyzed. Pups (n = 2 to 5) from each strain were euthanized daily on postnatal days (PND) 0 through 21 and their eyes examined macroscopically and histologically; similar analyses were performed in 26 to 39 additional WH pups daily from PND 7 to 14. At necropsy, ring-shaped red regions and red spots were present in the eyes of WH and SpD rats. These lesions were attributed histologically to hemorrhage of the tunica vasculosa lentis or of the retina, choroid, and hyaloid artery, respectively. Similar intraocular hemorrhages occurred in LE rats, although the macroscopic alterations found in WH and SpD rats were not present in this strain. Among the 3 strains evaluated, the incidence of the intraocular hemorrhage was highest in WH rats. We here showed that intraocular hemorrhage occurs spontaneously during normal ocular development in rats regardless of the strain; however, the region, degree, and incidence of intraocular hemorrhage differ among strains. Hemorrhage in the tunica vasculosa lentis and hyaloid artery may result from the leakage of erythrocytes from the temporary vasculature of these tissues during regression. The mechanisms underlying hemorrhage in the retina and choroid remain unclear. To our knowledge, this report is the first to describe the spontaneous intraocular hemorrhage that occurs during postnatal ocular development in rats.
机译:为了研究出生后眼睛发育过程中大鼠的自发性眼内出血并阐明其潜在机制,分析了白化Wistar Hannover(WH)和Sprague Dawley(SpD)和有色长Evans(LE)菌株的出生后眼睛发育。在出生后的第0天至21天每天对每个菌株的幼仔(n = 2至5)实施安乐死,并对其肉眼进行肉眼观察和组织学检查;每天从PND 7到14,在另外26至39个WH幼崽中进行类似的分析。尸检时,WH和SpD大鼠的眼睛中出现环形红色区域和红色斑点。这些损伤在组织学上分别归因于轻度的中膜或视网膜,脉络膜和玻璃体动脉的出血。尽管在WH和SpD大鼠中发现的宏观变化在该菌株中不存在,但在LE大鼠中发生了类似的眼内出血。在所评估的3个菌株中,WH大鼠的眼内出血发生率最高。我们在这里表明,无论应变如何,正常大鼠的眼部发育过程中眼内出血都是自发发生的。然而,菌株之间眼内出血的区域,程度和发生率不同。在消退过程中,红细胞从这些组织的临时脉管系统中渗出,可能导致扁豆状脉管和玻璃状动脉的出血。视网膜和脉络膜出血的潜在机制仍不清楚。据我们所知,该报告是第一个描述大鼠产后眼睛发育过程中自发性眼内出血的报告。



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