首页> 外文期刊>藥學雜誌 >Effects of concomitant antiepileptic drugs on serum carbamazepine concentration in epileptic patients: quantitative analysis based on extracellular water volume as a transforming factor.

Effects of concomitant antiepileptic drugs on serum carbamazepine concentration in epileptic patients: quantitative analysis based on extracellular water volume as a transforming factor.


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The effects of concomitant antiepileptic drugs on the serum carbamazepine concentration (C1) were analyzed quantitatively. Primidone (PRM), phenobarbital (PB), phenytoin (PHT), valproic acid (VPA), zonisamide (ZNS), clonazepam (CZP), and ethosuximide (ETS) were coadministered with carbamazepine (CBZ). Routine therapeutic drug monitoring data, obtained from epileptic patients who were treated with the repetitive oral administration of CBZ fine granules/tablets, were used for the analysis. A total of 119 patients were administered CBZ alone, and 91, 39, 19, and 6 patients were coadministered one, two, three, and more than four different antiepileptic drugs, respectively. Using the data obtained from the patients administered CBZ alone, Ct could be expressed approximately as a function of the daily dose per extracellular water volume (D/VECW) as Ct = A(D/VECW)B (A, B: parameter). By comparing the regression line on log Ct vs. log(D/VECW) for CBZ alone with that for CBZ plus another concomitant drug, Ct was thus found to be affected at each definite ratio by PB and PHT, but not by VPA and ZNS. We postulated a model showing that Ct is affected by each concomitant antiepileptic drug i at each definite ratio. We defined the parameter Ri(i = 1, 2, ..., 7) representing the effect of each concomitant antiepileptic drug on Ct. A linear polynomial expression, in which both members of this model are converted into common logarithms, was used for a multiple regression analysis. The analysis clarified that PB and PHT lowered Ct to 0.770 and 0.710 the value of CBZ alone, respectively. On the other hand, VPA and ZNS did not affect Ct. The number of patients coadministered PRM, CZP, and/or ETS was not sufficient to detect the effect on Ct based on a test of significance. In the case of the addition or discontinuation of concomitant antiepileptic drugs in the same patient, the estimated Ct values were calculated using the value of each Ri and compared with the measured Ct values. Both values were in good agreement, and thus our results appear valid.
机译:定量分析了同时使用的抗癫痫药对卡马西平血药浓度(C1)的影响。苯甲酮(PRM),苯巴比妥(PB),苯妥英钠(PHT),丙戊酸(VPA),唑尼沙胺(ZNS),氯硝西am(CZP)和ethosuximide(ETS)与卡马西平(CBZ)并用。使用从反复口服CBZ细颗粒/片剂治疗的癫痫患者中获得的常规治疗药物监测数据进行分析。总共有119名患者单独接受CBZ治疗,分别有91、39、19和6位患者同时接受一种,两种,三种和四种以上的抗癫痫药。使用仅从接受CBZ治疗的患者获得的数据,Ct可以近似表示为每细胞外水体积(D / VECW)的每日剂量的函数,Ct = A(D / VECW)B(A,B:参数)。通过比较单独的CBZ与CBZ和另一种伴随药物的log Ct对数log(D / VECW)回归线,因此发现PB和PHT分别以一定的比率影响Ct,但不受VPA和ZNS影响Ct 。我们提出了一个模型,该模型显示Ct在每种确定的比例下均受每种伴随的抗癫痫药i的影响。我们定义了参数Ri(i = 1,2,...,7),代表每种伴随的抗癫痫药对Ct的影响。线性多项式表达式(该模型的两个成员都转换为通用对数)用于多元回归分析。分析表明,PB和PHT分别将Ct降至CBZ值的0.770和0.710。另一方面,VPA和ZNS不会影响Ct。根据显着性检验,并用PRM,CZP和/或ETS的患者人数不足以检测对Ct的影响。如果在同一患者中添加或停用伴随的抗癫痫药物,则使用每个Ri的值计算估算的Ct值,并将其与测得的Ct值进行比较。这两个值非常吻合,因此我们的结果似乎有效。



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