首页> 外文期刊>Comparative biochemistry and physiology. Toxicology & pharmacology: CBP >Antioxidant enzymatic defenses and oxidative damage in Dentex dentex fed ondifferent dietary macronutrient levels

Antioxidant enzymatic defenses and oxidative damage in Dentex dentex fed ondifferent dietary macronutrient levels


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A wide range of antioxidant mechanisms are present in fish maintaining an adequate "oxidative balance". Whenthis balance tilts in favor of the oxidant agents "oxidative stress" arises with detrimental effects in molecules ofgreat biological importance. Little has been reported about the influence of different dietary energy sources onantioxidant defenses in fish. The influence of different dietary macronutrient combinations on the key antioxidantenzyme activity, the oxidative damage to lipids and proteins and the possible modifications in the SODisoenzymatic pattern were evaluated in liver, white muscle, heart and erythrocytes of common dentex (Dentexdentex). Four experimental diets with different protein:lipid:carbohydrate ratios (43/16/28; 43/24/4; 38/19/28and 38/24/13) were formulated. In general, neither different dietary macronutrient levels nor the interactionamong them induces substantial modifications in enzymatic antioxidant defense mechanisms. Two constitutiveSOD isoforms, CuZn-SOD I and Mn-SOD, were detected in the tissues analyzed in all experimental groups,independently of diet formulation, but, a third SOD isoenzyme, CuZn-SOD II seems to be induced in white muscleby higher dietary protein levels. Densitometric analyses of western blotting membranes revealed higher CuZn-SOD expression in the heart of dentex fed on lower dietary protein levels, although these differences did notcorrelate with the SOD activity. Finally, a direct relation exists between the lipid or protein intake level andoccurrence of oxidative damage in different tissue components.
机译:鱼类中存在多种抗氧化剂机制,可以维持足够的“氧化平衡”。当这种平衡偏向氧化剂时,就会产生“氧化应激”,并对具有重要生物学意义的分子产生有害影响。关于不同饮食能量来源对鱼类抗氧化防御的影响的报道很少。在常见牙本质(Dentexdentex)的肝脏,白肌,心脏和红细胞中,评估了不同饮食中大量营养素组合对关键抗氧化酶活性,脂质和蛋白质的氧化损伤以及SOD同工酶模式可能发生改变的影响。配制了四种具有不同蛋白质:脂质:碳水化合物比例(43/16/28; 43/24/4; 38/19/28和38/24/13)的实验饮食。通常,不同的饮食中大量营养素水平或它们之间的相互作用都不会引起酶促抗氧化防御机制的实质性改变。在所有实验组的组织中检测到两种组成型SOD亚型,即CuZn-SOD I和Mn-SOD,与饮食配方无关,但是第三种SOD同工酶CuZn-SOD II似乎是由高饮食蛋白在白肌中诱导的水平。蛋白质印迹膜的光密度分析表明,以较低的日粮蛋白质水平喂养的树胶心脏中,CuZn-SOD表达较高,尽管这些差异与SOD活性无关。最后,在不同组织成分中脂质或蛋白质的摄取水平与氧化损伤的发生之间存在直接关系。



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