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An outbreak of rubella among hospital personnel and measures taken against hospital infection--cost-benefits of the measure


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There is no nationwide outbreak of rubella after 1992 in Japan, but a local outbreak remains. Recently, some cases of congenital rubella syndrome (CRS) were reported after a local outbreak. An outbreak of rubella among hospital personnel occurred in our hospital located on Tanegashima Island on March and April 2003 after a visit of one rubella patient. Fifteen employees, including 7 clerks, 6 nurses, one doctor, and one radiologist, experienced rubella. A total of 259 employees in our hospital employees were examined for anti rubella hemagglutination inhibition (HI) tests with informed consent and recommended to take rubella vaccines. Sixty-seven employees (26%) among 257 examined for tests were found susceptible to rubella, and 53 employees were vaccinated. After vaccination, the outbreak was stamped out immediately. There was no rubella patient infected from employee. Nine among the 15 infected employees had declared to have a history of rubella or rubella vaccines before onsets, suggesting interviews are not reliable. There were many susceptible persons and rubella patients among elderly women and male personnel; therefore, measures are needed for elderly personnel as well as younger employees. In addition, adequate measures should be taken to prevent CRS, because many female personnel capable of pregnancy work in hospitals. The cost of the rubella HI tests and vaccination was approximately yen 200,000 (about dollar 1,600). The absence due to illness per one person was 6 days, and the wage per one day was about yen 12,000 (about dollar 100) on the average. The overall cost required in the outbreak was estimated to be approximate yen 1,400,000 (about dollar 12,000). Considering that an outbreak of rubella causes not only a large amount of expenditure but also loss of hospital income, the investment to prevent a rubella outbreak is quite valuable in the management of a hospital.
机译:在1992年以后,日本没有全国范围内的风疹暴发,但局部暴发仍然存在。最近,局部暴发后报告了一些先天性风疹综合症(CRS)病例。 2003年3月和4月,在我们位于种子岛的种子医院,医院工作人员中爆发了风疹疫情,其中一位风疹患者就诊。风疹包括15名员工,包括7名职员,6名护士,1名医生和1名放射科医生。我院共有259名员工在知情同意下接受了抗风疹血凝抑制(HI)测试,并建议服用风疹疫苗。在接受测试的257名员工中,有67名员工(26%)被发现容易感染风疹,并且为53名员工接种了疫苗。接种疫苗后,疫情立即被扑灭。没有风疹患者被员工感染。在15名受感染的员工中,有9名宣称在发病前有风疹或风疹疫苗史,这表明采访不可靠。老年妇女和男性中有许多易感人群和风疹患者。因此,老年人和年轻雇员都需要采取措施。此外,应采取适当措施预防CRS,因为许多有怀孕能力的女性工作人员都在医院工作。风疹HI测试和疫苗接种的费用约为200,000日元(约合1,600美元)。每人一个人因病缺勤的时间为6天,平均每天的工资约为12,000日元(约合100美元)。爆发所需的总费用估计约为1,400,000日元(约合12,000美元)。考虑到风疹的暴发不仅会导致大量支出,而且会导致医院收入的损失,因此,预防风疹暴发的投资在医院的管理中非常有价值。



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