首页> 外文期刊>電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. マイクロ波. Microwaves >A study of FEC/ARQ hybrid control techniques for reliable multicast in wireless networks

A study of FEC/ARQ hybrid control techniques for reliable multicast in wireless networks

机译:用于无线网络中可靠多播的FEC / ARQ混合控制技术的研究

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Now that mobile terminals are so prevalent, it is more necessary for mobile internet users to access seamlessly between a wireless network and the internet. A principal issue of the contents delivery service is how to realize the high quality of multicast transmission in the seamless access environment. In this paper, we have studied the reliable multicast technique for mobile users who use the wireless network and the wired network seamlessly. Up to this time, FEC (Forward Error Correction) and ARQ (Automatic Repeat request) have been studied as reliable multicast technique, and they have own benefits of error robustness and network traffic load respectively. We have surveyed the ordinary FECIARQ hybrid control technique and propose a design method of calculating the appropriate FEC redundancy ratio that involves our estimation method of packet error ratio.



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