首页> 外文期刊>電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. マイクロ波. Microwaves >FDTD Derivation of Effective Resistance for Grounded Human

FDTD Derivation of Effective Resistance for Grounded Human


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According to the international guidelines, whole-body average specific absorption rate (WBSAR) is used as a metric for human protection. It is well known that WBSAR largely depends on the frequency of the incident wave. The frequency at which the WBSASR becomes maximal is called "resonance frequency". Our group discussed an estimation method of WBSAR for grounded humans at their respective resonance frequency in term of ankle current and effective resistance. This method is based on an analogy between a quarter-wavelength monopole antenna and human. Thus, it is essential to investigate the effective resistance for anatomically-based human models. In the present study, we calculated effective resistance for humans grounded on the perfect conductor, and then clarified its variability for different models. The main reason for the variability was attributed to the body shape and model anatomy.
机译:根据国际准则,全身平均比吸收率(WBSAR)被用作保护人类的指标。众所周知,WBSAR在很大程度上取决于入射波的频率。 WBSASR变为最大的频率称为“共振频率”。我们的小组讨论了根据脚踝电流和有效电阻对接地人体在其各自共振频率处的WBSAR估计方法。该方法基于四分之一波长单极天线与人类之间的类比。因此,研究基于解剖学的人体模型的有效抵抗力至关重要。在本研究中,我们计算了基于理想导体的人体有效电阻,然后阐明了其在不同模型中的可变性。变异的主要原因归因于身体形状和模型解剖。



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