首页> 外文期刊>日本セラミックス協会学術論文誌 >Skeletal range FT-IR transmission spectra of submicron commercial high purity #alpha#-Al_2O_ powders produced by different methods

Skeletal range FT-IR transmission spectra of submicron commercial high purity #alpha#-Al_2O_ powders produced by different methods


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Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) transmissionspectra of six commercially available #alpha#-alumina powdersproduced by two different production methods, i.e., in-situchemical vapor deposition and hydrolysis of aluminum alkoxideare measured in the 400-1000 cm~(-1) of infrared wavenumberregion. Distinctive peaks are detected at 473, 626 and 703 cm~(-1) wavenumbers in the spectra of the powders produced by in-situ chemical vapor deposition. Scanning electron microscope(SEM) observation of the powders shows a significant shapedifference between the powders, where the powders produced byin-situ chemical vapor deposition seem to have more regular andnearer to spherical shape than the others. The differences inspectra are explained by the generalized theory of averagedielectric constant considering influence of the spherical shape ofthe powder particles on the FT-IR transmission spectra.
机译:通过两种不同的生产方法生产的六种市售#alpha#-氧化铝粉末的傅里叶变换红外(FT-IR)透射光谱,在400-1000 cm〜(-1)的温度下进行了现场化学气相沉积和烷氧基铝的水解测量红外波数区域。在原位化学气相沉积法制备的粉末光谱中,在473、626和703 cm〜(-1)波数处检测到明显的峰。粉末的扫描电子显微镜(SEM)观察表明,粉末之间存在明显的形状差异,其中通过原位化学气相沉积产生的粉末似乎比其他粉末更规则且更接近球形。考虑到粉末颗粒的球形形状对FT-IR透射光谱的影响,用平均介电常数的广义理论解释差异检验。



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