首页> 外文期刊>Cognition, Technology & Work >Neural networks and genetic algorithms can support human supervisory control to reduce fossil fuel power plant emissions

Neural networks and genetic algorithms can support human supervisory control to reduce fossil fuel power plant emissions


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Artificial neural networks and genetic algorithms are two intelligent approaches initially targeted to model human information processing and natural evolutionary process, with the aim of using the models in problem solving. During the last decade these two intelligent approaches have been widely applied to a variety of social, economic and engineering systems. In this paper, they have been shown as modelling tools to support human supervisory control to reduce fossil fuel power plant emissions, particularly NO{sub}x emissions. Human supervisory control of fossil fuel power generation plants has been studied, and the need of an advisory system for operator support is emphasized. Plant modelling is an important block in such an advisory system and is the key issue of this study. In particular, three artificial neural network models and a genetic algorithm-based grey-box model have been built to model and predict the NO{sub}x emissions in a coal-fired power plant. In non-linear dynamic system modelling, training data is always limited and cannot cover all system dynamics; therefore the generalization performance of the resultant model over unseen data is the focus of this study. These models will then be used in the advisory system to support human operators on aspects such as task analysis, condition monitoring and operation optimization, with the aim of improving thermal efficiency, reducing pollutant emissions and ensuring that the power system runs safely.
机译:人工神经网络和遗传算法是最初旨在为人类信息处理和自然进化过程建模的两种智能方法,目的是在问题解决中使用这些模型。在过去的十年中,这两种智能方法已广泛应用于各种社会,经济和工程系统。在本文中,它们已显示为支持人为监督控制以减少化石燃料发电厂排放,特别是NO {sub} x排放的建模工具。已经研究了对化石燃料发电厂的人为监督控制,并强调了对操作员支持的咨询系统的需求。在这种咨询系统中,工厂建模是重要的组成部分,也是本研究的关键问题。特别地,已经建立了三个人工神经网络模型和基于遗传算法的灰箱模型来对燃煤电厂的NO {sub} x排放进行建模和预测。在非线性动态系统建模中,训练数据始终受到限制,无法涵盖所有​​系统动态。因此,结果模型对看不见的数据的泛化性能是本研究的重点。然后,这些模型将在咨询系统中使用,以在诸如任务分析,状态监视和操作优化等方面为人类操作员提供支持,以提高热效率,减少污染物排放并确保电力系统安全运行。



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