首页> 外文期刊>電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. 交換システム >Interference canceling characteristics of MMSE adaptive array in Gaussian incident angle spread environments

Interference canceling characteristics of MMSE adaptive array in Gaussian incident angle spread environments


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This paper theoretically analyzes cochannel interference canceling characteristics of an adaptive array using the MMSE criteria for element weight control. First, a correlation matrix between elements is derived assuming Gaussian incident angle distribution where the angle spreads for desired signal and interference signal are not the same. Next, dividing the correlation matrix by two parts: disired signal correlation matrix and the interference and noise correlation matirix, a whitening coordinate transform is carried out, by which all eigenvalues of the interference and noise correlation matirix are transformed into the same value. Under this transformation, eigenvalues of the desired signal correlation matrix are derived. For 3-elements, explicit and strict analytical solutions for the eigenvalues and the Bit Error Rate (HER) are derived. These equations with numerical examples under representative propagation conditions show the HER performance characteristics of the array.



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