首页> 外文期刊>Cognition: International Journal of Cognitive Psychology >Believing there is no free will corrupts intuitive cooperation

Believing there is no free will corrupts intuitive cooperation


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Regardless of whether free will exists, believing that it does affects one's behavior. When an individual's belief in free will is challenged, one can become more likely to act in an uncooperative manner. The mechanism behind the relationship between one's belief in free will and behavior is still debated. The current study uses an economic contribution game under varying time constraints to elucidate whether reducing belief in free will allows one to justify negative behavior or if the effects occur at a more intuitive level of processing. Here we show that although people are intuitively cooperative, challenging their belief in free will corrupts this behavior, leading to impulsive selfishness. If given time to think, however, people are able to override the initial inclination toward self-interest induced by discouraging a belief in free will. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:不管自由意志是否存在,相信自由意志确实会影响一个人的行为。当个人的自由意志信念受到挑战时,人们更有可能以不合作的方式行事。人们对自由意志的信念与行为之间的关系背后的机制仍存在争议。当前的研究使用了在不同时间约束下的经济贡献博弈,以阐明减少对自由的信念是否可以使人们证明消极行为是正当的,或者这种效果是否发生在更直观的处理水平上。在这里,我们表明,尽管人们在直觉上是合作的,但挑战自由信念会破坏这种行为,从而导致冲动的自私。但是,如果有时间去思考,人们便能够克服由于挫败对自由意志的信仰而引起的对自身利益的最初倾向。 (C)2016 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。



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