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Information literacy in science and engineering undergraduate education: faculty attitudes and pedagogical practices


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Despite the argument that technological advances have made access to information easier, there is an ongoing concern that university students still are not becoming information literate, that they cannot retrieve and evaluate the information that will be required for problem-solving and decision-making in the workplace and in society generally. Evidence is rapidly mounting that students cannot select appropriate sources of information, do not understand the structure or purpose of different sources of information, and cannot critically evaluate the information they retrieve.(FN1) These concerns are even more pressing now than in the past because the amount of information that students can access rapidly and easily is growing exponentially, yet at the same time, studies have shown that students have great difficulty using even a small proportion of the citations they retrieve. Solid information literacy skills are desirable across all disciplines, including science and engineering, a fact that is not entirely lost on the professional associations. A reader response poll in the journal Chemical Engineering Progress revealed that chemical engineers today spend a considerable amount of time retrieving and using information on a wide variety of topics, including management, regulatory requirements, economic forecasts, and research methodologies.(FN2) However, despite the need for such diverse kinds of information, the survey also found that the respondents depended on personal collections and other engineers for their information, and were not making good use of the growing number of electronic options. More than half the survey respondents attributed this to their inability to find and use appropriate information. Studies of the information-seeking behavior of scientists across a variety of disciplines suggest there are similarities.
机译:尽管有人争论说技术的进步使人们更容易获得信息,但人们仍然担心大学生仍然没有信息素养,他们无法检索和评估解决问题和决策所需的信息。工作场所和整个社会。越来越多的证据表明,学生无法选择合适的信息来源,无法理解不同信息来源的结构或目的,也无法对所检索到的信息进行严格的评估。(FN1)这些担忧现在比过去更加紧迫,因为学生可以快速便捷地获取的信息量呈指数级增长,但同时,研究表明,即使是检索到的一小部分引用,学生也面临很大的困难。扎实的信息素养技能在包括科学和工程学在内的所有学科中都非常需要,这一事实并没有在专业协会中完全消失。 《化学工程进展》杂志上的读者反馈调查显示,当今的化学工程师花费大量时间来检索和使用有关各种主题的信息,包括管理,法规要求,经济预测和研究方法。(FN2)尽管需要这些种类繁多的信息,但调查还发现,受访者依赖个人收藏和其他工程师来获取信息,并且没有充分利用日益增多的电子选件。超过一半的受访者将其归因于他们无法找到和使用适当的信息。对不同学科的科学家的信息寻求行为的研究表明存在相似之处。



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