首页> 外文期刊>Российский физиологический журнал >Transcranial electrical stimulation activates the reparative regeneration and insulin-producing function of beta-cells in alloxan-induced diabetic rats

Transcranial electrical stimulation activates the reparative regeneration and insulin-producing function of beta-cells in alloxan-induced diabetic rats


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In alloxan-induced diabetic rats, it was demonstrated that transcranial electrical stimulation of the brain endorphinergic structures activated the reparative regeneration of the damaged beta-cells of the Langerhans pancreatic islets. This was estimated on the histological sections of pancreas with hematoxylin-eosin staining. Several small newborn islets were found to originate from pancreatic progenitor cells. After transcranial electrical stimulation of insulin granules, beta-cells (Gomori's staining) were observed as an indication of the restoration of the insulin production. Correspondingly the increase of the blood insulin level was estimated by immune-enzyme method. The dynamics of the plasma insulin increase had a significant negative correlation with decrease of the blood glucose level. The glucose-lowering action of the transcranial electrical stimulation in alloxan-induced diabetic rats seems to be based on stimulation of the regeneration of damaged beta-cells with the restoration of their insulin production. zhurnal imeni I.M. Sechenova / Rossi inverted question markskaia akademiia nauk.
机译:在四氧嘧啶诱导的糖尿病大鼠中,证明了经颅电刺激脑内啡肽能结构激活了朗格汉斯胰岛受损的β细胞的修复性再生。用苏木精-曙红染色在胰腺的组织学切片上进行估计。发现了几个小胰岛起源于胰腺祖细胞。经颅电刺激胰岛素颗粒后,观察到β细胞(Gomori染色)可作为恢复胰岛素产生的指标。相应地,通过免疫酶法估计了血液胰岛素水平的增加。血浆胰岛素增加的动力学与血糖水平的降低具有显着的负相关。经四氧嘧啶诱导的糖尿病大鼠经颅电刺激的降糖作用似乎是基于刺激受损的β细胞再生并恢复其胰岛素产生。 zhurnal imeni I.M. Sechenova / Rossi提出了反问号



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