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Intestinal microflora and cancer prevention


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Based on the results of ecological studies of intestinal microflora, we have been studying from various perspectives, the relationship between health and intestinal microflora. Concerning intestinal microflora and cancer, we reported in Cancer Research (61: 2395-2398, 2001) that spontaneous colon cancers that developed in Tcr beta/p53-double knockout mice did not develop in germfree conditions. This study, catching the attention of researchers, was reviewed in the 'News Feature' column of Nature (415: 8-9, 2002), which introduces recent studies attracting significant attention. Cancers are diseases of genes. However, in this study, which Nature found to be an as intriguing transformation (development of colon cancer in this case), did not occur only by genetic changes, unless accompanied by environmental factors (intestinal flora in this case). The fact that intestinal microflora are involved in the development of colon cancer suggests, on the other hand, that cancers can be prevented by controlling intestinal microflora. Here, data will be presented to show the relationship between intestinal microflora and colon cancers, mainly from our studies, and the mechanism involved will be further discussed.
机译:基于肠道菌群生态学研究的结果,我们已经从各种角度研究了健康与肠道菌群之间的关系。关于肠道菌群和癌症,我们在《癌症研究》(61:2395-2398,2001)中报道,在Tcr beta / p53双敲除小鼠中发展出的自发性结肠癌在无菌条件下未发育。这项研究引起了研究人员的注意,在《自然》的“新闻专栏”(415:8-9,2002)中进行了综述,其中介绍了引起极大关注的最新研究。癌症是基因疾病。但是,在这项研究中,《自然》杂志将其视为引人入胜的转化(在这种情况下为结肠癌的发展),它并非仅通过遗传变化而发生,除非伴有环境因素(在这种情况下为肠道菌群)。另一方面,肠道菌群参与结肠癌的发展这一事实表明,通过控制肠道菌群可以预防癌症。在这里,将主要通过我们的研究来提供数据以显示肠道菌群与结肠癌之间的关系,并将进一步讨论所涉及的机制。



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