首页> 外文期刊>Clinical and Experimental Immunology: An Official Journal of the British Society for Immunology >Antigen-specific T cell responses to BK polyomavirus antigens identify functional anti-viral immunity and may help to guide immunosuppression following renal transplantation.

Antigen-specific T cell responses to BK polyomavirus antigens identify functional anti-viral immunity and may help to guide immunosuppression following renal transplantation.


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Infection with the polyoma virus BK (BKV) is a major cause of morbidity following renal transplantation. Limited understanding of the anti-viral immune response has prevented the design of a strategy that balances treatment with the preservation of graft function. The proven utility of interferon-gamma enzyme-linked immunospot (ELISPOT) assays to measure T cell responses in immunocompetent hosts was the basis for trying to develop a rational approach to the management of BKV following renal transplantation. In a sample of transplant recipients and healthy controls, comparisons were made between T cell responses to the complete panel of BKV antigens, the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) antigens, BZLF1 and EBNA1, and the mitogen phytohaemagglutinin (PHA). Correlations between responses to individual antigens and immunosuppressive regimens were also analysed. Antigen-specific T cell responses were a specific indicator of recent or ongoing recovery from BKV infection (P < 0.05), with responses to different BKV antigens being highly heterogeneous. Significant BKV immunity was undetectable in transplant patients with persistent viral replication or no history of BKV reactivation. Responses to EBV antigens and mitogen were reduced in patients with BKV reactivation, but these differences were not statistically significant. The T cell response to BKV antigens is a useful and specific guide to recovery from BKV reactivation in renal transplant recipients, provided that the full range of antigenic responses is measured.
机译:肾移植后,多瘤病毒BK(BKV)感染是发病的主要原因。对抗病毒免疫反应的有限了解阻碍了策略设计的实现,该策略在治疗与保留移植功能之间取得了平衡。经证实的干扰素-γ酶联免疫斑点(ELISPOT)测定法可用于测量具有免疫能力的宿主中的T细胞反应,是尝试开发合理的方法治疗肾移植后BKV的基础。在移植接受者和健康对照的样本中,比较了T细胞对完整的BKV抗原,爱泼斯坦-巴尔病毒(EBV)抗原,BZLF1和EBNA1以及有丝分裂原植物血凝素(PHA)的反应。还分析了对单个抗原的反应与免疫抑制方案之间的相关性。抗原特异性T细胞应答是BKV感染近期或持续恢复的具体指标(P <0.05),对不同BKV抗原的应答高度异质。在具有持续病毒复制或无BKV复活史的移植患者中,无法检测到明显的BKV免疫力。 BKV复活患者对EBV抗原和有丝分裂原的反应减少,但这些差异在统计学上无统计学意义。 T细胞对BKV抗原的反应是肾移植受者从BKV激活中恢复的有用且具体的指南,前提是要测量抗原反应的整个范围。



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