首页> 外文期刊>Journal of cellular biochemistry. >Human cytomegalovirus proteins PP65 and IEP72 are targeted to distinct compartments in nuclei and nuclear matrices of infected human embryo fibroblasts.

Human cytomegalovirus proteins PP65 and IEP72 are targeted to distinct compartments in nuclei and nuclear matrices of infected human embryo fibroblasts.


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The cellular distribution of the human cytomegalovirus (HCMV)-specific UL83 phosphoprotein (pp65) and UL123 immediate-early protein (IEp72) in lytically infected human embryo fibroblasts was studied by means of indirect immunofluorescence and confocal microscopy. Both proteins were found to have a nuclear localization, but they were concentrated in different compartments within the nuclei. The pp65 was located predominantly in the nucleoli; this was already evident with the parental viral protein, which was targeted to the above nuclear compartment very soon after infection. The nucleolar localization of pp65 was also observed at later stages of the HCMV infectious cycle. After chromatin extraction (in the so-called in situ nuclear matrices), a significant portion of the pp65 remained associated with nucleoli within the first hour after infection, then gradually redistributed in a perinucleolar area, as well as throughout the nucleus, with a granular pattern. A quite different distribution was observedfor IEp72 at very early stages after infection of human embryo fibroblasts with HCMV; indeed, this viral protein was found in bright foci, clearly observable in both non-extracted nuclei and in nuclear matrices. At later stages of infection, IEp72 became almost homogeneously distributed within the whole nucleus, while the foci increased in size and were more evenly spread; in several infected cells some of them lay within nucleoli. This peculiar nuclear distribution of IEp72 was preserved in nuclear matrices as well. The entire set of data is discussed in terms of the necessity of integration for HCMV-specific products into the pre-existing nuclear architecture, with the possibility of subsequent adaptation of nuclear compartments to fit the needs of the HCMV replicative cycle.
机译:通过间接免疫荧光和共聚焦显微镜研究了人类巨细胞病毒(HCMV)特异性UL83磷蛋白(pp65)和UL123立即早期蛋白(IEp72)在裂解感染的人类胚胎成纤维细胞中的细胞分布。发现这两种蛋白质都具有核定位,但是它们都集中在核内的不同区室中。 pp65主要位于核仁中。亲本病毒蛋白已经很明显,这种蛋白在感染后很快就靶向上述核区。在HCMV感染周期的后期也观察到了pp65的核仁定位。染色质提取后(在所谓的原位核基质中),pp65的很大一部分在感染后的第一小时内仍与核仁结合,然后逐渐重新分布在核仁周围区域以及整个核中,呈颗粒状。模式。在HCMV感染人胚胎成纤维细胞后的很早阶段,IEp72的分布就完全不同。实际上,这种病毒蛋白是在明亮的病灶中发现的,在未提取的细胞核和核基质中均清晰可见。在感染后期,IEp72几乎均匀分布在整个细胞核中,而病灶的大小增大且分布更均匀。在几个被感染的细胞中,其中一些位于核仁中。 IEp72的这种特殊的核分布也保留在核基质中。讨论了整个数据集,涉及将特定于HCMV的产品整合到已有的核结构中的必要性,以及随后对核室进行适应以适应HCMV复制周期需求的可能性。



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