首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Research of the National Institute of Standards and Technology >An International Marine-Atmospheric ' Measurement Intercomparison in Bermuda Part II: Results for the Participating Laboratories

An International Marine-Atmospheric ' Measurement Intercomparison in Bermuda Part II: Results for the Participating Laboratories


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As part of an international measurement intercomaprison of instruments used to measure atomspheric ~222 Rn. Four participating laboratories made nearly simulta-neous meausremts of ~222Rn activity concentration in commonly sampled, ambient air over approximately a 2, week period, and three of these four laboratories participated in the meausrement comparison of 14 introduced samples with knowen, but undiscolosed (blind) Rn activity concentration. The exercise was conducted in Bermuda in october 1991. The ~222 Rn activity concentrations in ambient Bermudian air over the course of the intercomaprison ranged from a few hundredths of a Bq, while the standardized sample additions covered a range from appximately 2.5 Bqm!-3 to 35 Bqm~-3. The overall uncertainty in the latter concentrations was in the general range of 10%, approximating a 3 standard deviation uncertainty interval.
机译:作为国际测量跨界仪器的一部分,用于测量〜222 Rn的原子层。四个参与实验室在大约2个星期的时间内对通常采样的环境空气中的〜222Rn活度浓度进行了几乎同时的测量,这四个实验室中的三个参加了对14个已知但已知但未稀释的引入样品的测量比较。 )Rn活性浓度。这项运动是在1991年10月在百慕大进行的。在整个监狱期间,百慕大周围的空气中〜222 Rn的活性浓度为百分之几Bq,而标准样品的添加范围约为2.5 Bqm!-3。至35 Bqm〜-3。后者浓度的总体不确定度通常在10%的范围内,大约为3个标准偏差不确定度区间。



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