首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics >A Resting-State Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study on the Efficacy of Brain Function Rehabilitation in Post-Stroke Hemiplegia Using Scalp Acupuncture

A Resting-State Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study on the Efficacy of Brain Function Rehabilitation in Post-Stroke Hemiplegia Using Scalp Acupuncture


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As one of the rehabilitation therapies for stroke-induced hemiplegia, central mechanisms of therapeutic effects of the scalp acupuncture remain poorly understood. We used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to explore the effect Of scalp acupuncture on post-stroke hemiplegia patients. We recruited ten patients With left hemiplegia and ten healthy subjects for this study and randomly assigned patients to two groups: the acupuncture group (scalp acupuncture plus usual care, N = 5, average age = 65.6+/-4.0) and the control group (usual care, N = 5, average age = 55.2 +/- 9.8). We scanned all patients before and after the 14-day therapy and then calculated the functional connectivity (FC) between the seed point (left primary motor cortex BA4) and other brain regions. At the beginning of the study, patients showed negative activations in the left motor cortex and positive activations in the bilateral cerebellum. After the scalp acupuncture therapy, the patients showed a decrease of negatively activated regions, as well as an increase in regions with positive activations, which the control group didn't have. These changes in the acupuncture group indicated that the treatment had driven the brain activity from the unaffected side to the affected side. Our results suggested that the scalp acupuncture therapy markedly improved the brain function in left hemiplegic patients and could potentially help the recovery of mobility.
机译:作为中风诱发的偏瘫的康复疗法之一,头皮针灸治疗作用的主要机制仍知之甚少。我们使用功能磁共振成像(fMRI)探索头皮针刺对中风后偏瘫患者的影响。我们招募了10名左半身瘫痪患者和10名健康受试者作为研究对象,并将患者随机分为两组:针刺组(头皮针灸加常规护理,N = 5,平均年龄= 65.6 +/- 4.0)和对照组(通常护理,N = 5,平均年龄= 55.2 +/- 9.8)。我们对14天治疗前后的所有患者进行了扫描,然后计算了种子点(左侧初级运动皮层BA4)与其他大脑区域之间的功能连通性(FC)。在研究开始时,患者左运动皮层显示负激活,双侧小脑显示正激活。头皮针刺疗法后,患者的负激活区域减少,而正激活区域增加,而对照组则没有。针灸组的这些变化表明,这种治疗已将大脑活动从未受影响的一侧转移到了患侧。我们的结果表明,头皮针灸疗法可显着改善左半身不遂患者的脑功能,并可能有助于恢复活动能力。



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