首页> 外文期刊>Journal of women’s health >Risk factors for cervical abnormalities among Hong Kong Chinese women: a large-scale community-based cervical screening program.

Risk factors for cervical abnormalities among Hong Kong Chinese women: a large-scale community-based cervical screening program.


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BACKGROUND: We sought to identify the prevalence of and risk factors associated with cervical abnormalities among Chinese women in Hong Kong. METHODS: A community-based cervical screening program was offered free of charge in Hong Kong. Information on the demographics, sexual experience, and obstetrical history of women who attended the Cervical Screening Clinic were collected and tabulated with their Pap smear results to establish the risk factors associated with cervical abnormalities among Hong Kong Chinese women. RESULTS: A total of 44,219 women attended the Cervical Screening Clinic for their first Pap smear tests over an 8-year period, with the prevalence of cervical abnormality at 4.51%. Adjusted for all associating factors, the significant risk factors of cervical abnormalities identified among Hong Kong Chinese women are being aged 40-49 (odds ratio [OR] 1.53), being single (OR 1.52) or cohabiting (OR 1.52), having received primary school education only (OR 1.53), having had three or more sexual partners (OR 1.52), onset of sexual activity at age
机译:背景:我们试图确定香港中国女性中宫颈异常的患病率和相关危险因素。方法:香港免费提供了基于社区的宫颈筛查计划。收集有关参加子宫颈检查诊所的妇女的人口统计学,性经历和产科史的信息,并将其子宫颈抹片检查结果制成表格,以建立与香港华裔女性宫颈异常相关的危险因素。结果:在过去的8年中,共有44219名妇女参加了宫颈筛查诊所的第一次子宫颈抹片检查,宫颈畸形的患病率为4.51%。在对所有相关因素进行调整之后,香港华裔女性中发现的子宫颈异常的主要危险因素是40岁至49岁(优势比[OR] 1.53),单身(OR 1.52)或同居(OR 1.52),已经接受了初次手术。仅接受过学校教育(OR 1.53),有三个或三个以上性伴侣(OR 1.52),在



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