首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Wildlife Management >Habitat selection and use by sympatric, translocated greater sage-grouse and Columbian sharp-tailed grouse

Habitat selection and use by sympatric, translocated greater sage-grouse and Columbian sharp-tailed grouse


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Greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) and Columbian sharp-tailed grouse (Tympanuchus phasianellus columbianus) have declined substantially in Washington, USA, primarily because native shrub-steppe has been converted to agriculture. In response, state and federal agencies have acquired and restored habitat, and augmented and reintroduced grouse to suitable areas. We examined how sympatric, translocated sage-grouse and sharp-tailed grouse used space and selected habitats within their spring-summer home ranges and at nest sites within remnant shrub-steppe surrounded by a matrix of cropland in eastern Washington. Because their life-history requirements differ, we expected extensive habitat partitioning between species. Using radiolocations of 43 birds of each species, we found that sage-grouse had larger spring-summer home ranges than sharp-tailed grouse, and the composite of home ranges for sharp-tailed grouse fell almost completely within the composite of home ranges for sage-grouse. By creating resource utilization function models using radiolocations of 53 birds of each species, we found that areas of highest predicted intensity of use for both species overlapped by >50%, even at the top 5% quantile. Both species used restored fields and areas farther from trees and roads or distribution lines more intensely. Sage-grouse used less rugged areas more intensely, and both species used 3 levels of shrub cover equally. To compare selection of nest sites relative to available sites for nesting in both species, we created resource selection function models for 30 birds of each species and found that sage-grouse selected areas farther from distribution lines, whereas sharp-tailed grouse selected restored fields. When we examined vegetation characteristics used by female sage-grouse and sharp-tailed grouse at nest sites using a case-control, use versus non-use design for 26 birds of each species, we found sage-grouse used areas with greater shrub cover, lower annual forb cover, and taller perennial grasses, whereas sharp-tailed grouse used areas with greater perennial grass cover and taller perennial grasses and forbs. When we compared habitat features measured at nest sites between species, we found sage-grouse used areas with greater moderate and dense shrub cover, lower sparse shrub cover, less restored fields, higher patch diversity, and areas farther from distribution lines than sharp-tailed grouse. These differences resulted in only 38% overlap of areas within the top quartile of relative selection values for nest sites by the 2 species, and 10% at the top 5% quantile. Because many western states are highly fragmented by cropland, understanding how populations of species with different life-history characteristics, such as sage-grouse and sharp-tailed grouse, coexist within remaining tracts of shrub-steppe at different spatial scales is important for effectively conserving and managing shrub-steppe communities. (c) 2015 The Wildlife Society.
机译:美国华盛顿的鼠尾草(Centrocercus urophasianus)和哥伦比亚的尖尾松鸡(Tympanuchus phasianellus columbianus)已大幅下降,这主要是因为当地的灌木草原已转变为农业。作为回应,州和联邦机构已经获得并恢复了栖息地,并将松鸡增加并重新引入了合适的地区。我们研究了同居,易变的鼠尾草和尖尾的松鸡如何利用其春季和夏季家园范围内以及华盛顿东部被一片农田包围的灌木丛草原中的巢穴中的空间和选定的栖息地。由于他们的生活史要求不同,因此我们希望物种之间能够进行广泛的栖息地划分。使用每种物种的43只鸟的放射定位,我们发现鼠尾草的春夏季家庭范围要比尖尾松鸡的家庭范围大,而尖尾松鸡的家庭范围的组合几乎完全落入了鼠尾草的家庭范围内-松鸡。通过使用每种物种的53只鸟的放射性定位创建资源利用函数模型,我们发现,即使在最高5%的分位数下,两个物种的最高预测使用强度的区域也重叠了> 50%。两种物种都更强烈地使用了距离树木,道路或配电线路更远的恢复田地和区域。鼠尾草使用的崎less区域较少,而两个物种均使用3个水平的灌木覆盖。为了比较相对于两个物种中可用的筑巢地点的筑巢地点选择,我们为每种物种的30只鸟创建了资源选择函数模型,发现鼠尾草松鸡选择的区域距离分布线较远,而尖尾松鸡则选择了恢复的田地。当我们使用案例对照研究了每个物种的26只鸟类的雌性鼠尾草和巢式场所的尖尾松鸡使用的植被特征时,我们发现鼠尾草使用过的区域具有较高的灌木覆盖率,一年生的草覆盖率较低,多年生禾草较高,而尖尾松鸡所用的地区的多年生草覆盖率较高,多年生草和草较高。当我们比较物种之间在巢穴处测得的栖息地特征时,我们发现鼠尾草使用的区域具有较高的中度和密集灌木覆盖度,较低的稀疏灌木覆盖度,较少的恢复田地,较高的斑块多样性以及距离分布线较尖尾的区域松鸡。这些差异导致两个物种的巢位相对选择值的最高四分位数内的区域仅有38%重叠,而位于最高5%的分位数处的<10%。由于许多西部州的耕地高度分散,因此了解具有不同生活史特征的物种种群(例如鼠尾草和尖尾松鸡)如何在不同空间尺度的灌木草原剩余区域中共存对于有效保护非常重要。和管理灌木草原社区。 (c)2015年野生动物学会。



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